Tuesday, March 1, 2022

Are Americans All F*cking Idiots? HOW Could Biden Be "Losing" To Trump In A Rematch If Elections Were Today?


  "Doh! Biden need to send troops into Ukraine!  Then I give him better poll rating! But hey,  da Donald still tougher!"

According to The Hill

 "The damage to Biden is most clear. Only 31 percent approved of his handling of Russia immediately before its invasion of Ukraine, and Biden’s overall approval numbers continue to sink. 

He is down to a RealClearPolitics average of 55 percent disapproval to 41 percent approve, with ABC/Washington Post having him at just 38 percent approve against 57 percent disapprove. Biden had been holding his own in the ballot test for a re-match with Trump — anywhere from 5 point up to 4 points down — but the recent Harris poll has Biden losing 42 percent to 48 percent."

LOSING!?  To a proven Turd and Traitor who started an insurrection and tried to overturn a free and fair election?   A rat shit vermin who would take this nation down the same damned autocratic path as Putin if he could.  What the fuck are these polled yahoos thinking?  Janice doesn't believe they are, nor that the pooled IQ even reaches room temperature digits: "Fucking idiots!" as she put it.  I agree.

Anyone who would weight or poll Trump over Biden now doesn't even have the IQ of an ape.  Further, anyone who'd poll Biden low in this time of crisis  - when he has orchestrated a unified front of Western nations with severe economic sanctions against Putin  - has to be a certified moron.

What do they expect him to do? Send U.S. troops into Ukraine to help out, and bloody well incite a nuclear war?  Do these ignorant  cretins even know or recall that the Russians  reserve the right to employ tactical nuclear weapons if at anytime they feel overwhelmed by conventional armed forces, say from the U.S. See  e.g.


The Hill tries to shed more light, pontificating:

  "Americans normally rally around the president when there is a foreign policy crisis, but a combination of Biden’s fumbling of the Afghanistan withdrawal and a complete inability to restrain Putin seems to have left the public with little confidence. Biden has been viewed as a weak leader — and weak relative to Trump — in polling that goes back to 2020. Putin’s dismissive attitude toward Biden hardly improved that perception. Any American admiration for strong leadership is accruing to Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky, not Biden."

Adding for practical perspective, not that these idiot 'Muricans would care:

"It is difficult to see an outcome that will truly benefit Biden. American actions are rather circumscribed to sanctions and the provision of certain types of weapons (no missiles, ships or planes)."

That last part is definitely what most of those twits polling negative on Biden miss:  that the actions of this president are circumscribed.  You can't just dispatch troops,  fighter jets or an aircraft carrier to the Black Sea.  Nor can you try to establish 'No fly' zones over Ukraine which would entail invading the same airspace,  close contact with Russian fighter jets, potential misfires ....and tactical nukes exchanged.  Followed by all -out nuclear war.  

This is exactly why JFK had the brains he was born with in resisting the Joint Chiefs  - and Gen. Curtis LeMay in particular - in their push to "bomb Cuba" during the Cuban Missile crisis in October, 1962.  Had JFK been such a fool, as too many welcome Trump being now, 93 IRBMs would have been launched toward midwest and eastern U.S. cities.  Which Robert McNamara only learned when he visited Cuba for the 30th anniversary of the crisis in 1992. 

As for the claim of "Biden's fumbling of the Afghanistan withdrawal",  I already skewered that B.S. back in August, e.g.

  • Don't Blame Biden For Taliban Takeover In Afghanistan

    •  As for claim of  "the total inability to restrain Putin" - what do these dumbos expect Biden to do?  Smuggle a Navy SEAL team in to kidnap or kill him?  Dispatch a CIA K-group to poison his borscht with potassium cyanide?  What exactly?  As I told Janice,  this shows too many American brains have been turned into mush by being exposed to the years of Trump's bravado and braggadocio.  Thus, the image in their febrile brains is now a hyperbolic exaggeration, seeing Trump as some kind of caricature of a patriot,

      As opposed to what he really is, Putin's puppet;

      Which scene we'd surely behold if Americans were dumb enough to re-elect him.  What can be done to change this mal-perception?  Very little short of this country  collectively emerging finally from this pandemic and high inflation.  Until then, too many brains will be adrift in a miasma of misery, a murky mental funk which deforms reason and scuttles rational capacity - leading to the sort of knee-jerk, dumbed down polling we see cited in The Hill.  The headline in yesterday's Denver Post said it all:

      On cusp of speech, U.S. is in disunity, funk and peril

      The initial details summing up the state of our union thusly:

      America’s strength is being sharply tested from within — and now from afar — as fate, overnight, made Biden a wartime president in someone else’s conflict, leading the West’s response to a Russian invasion of Ukraine that makes all the other problems worse.

      The state of the union is disunity and division. It’s a state of exhaustion from the pandemic. It’s about feeling gouged at the grocery store and gas pump. It’s so low that some Americans, including prominent ones, are exalting Russian President Vladimir Putin in his attack on a democracy...

      Today’s national psyche is one of fatigue and frustration.  It’s as if Americans need group therapy more than a set-piece speech to Congress.

       So much for the "home of the brave".  We've been reduced to fragile, childish, whimpering shadows of ourselves who could no more do what the Ukrainians are doing - in defending their nation from an enemy onslaught -   than we could jump over the Moon. Pathetic!  

      A nation divided, weak and confused by conspiracy ideations. A sham.

      See Also:


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