Friday, October 9, 2020

Right Wing Terror Apes Brought To Justice In Michigan - No Thanks To Trump


     Right wing loons back in June - Several now implicated in plot to kidnap  Gov. Grace Whitmer

Just when we believed the craziness couldn't get any worse in this virulently polarized election we saw right wing extremists rear their venomous heads in Michigan yesterday.   As Janice and I watched the breaking news  at 11:30 a.m. we beheld authorities (including the Michigan AG, and local FBI office director) reading charges against  6 right wing apes.

All had been charged in a plot to kidnap the Michigan governor, Gretchen Whitmer, that involved links to a rightwing militia group, the Federal Bureau of Investigation announced.  The FBI said in an affidavit that the plot to kidnap Whitmer had involved reaching out to members of a Michigan militia. The criminal complaint states that the alleged plot involved her second home in northern Michigan.

“Several members talked about murdering ‘tyrants’ or ‘taking’ a sitting governor,” an FBI agent wrote in the document. “The group decided they needed to increase their numbers and encouraged each other to talk to their neighbors and spread their message.”

The six men charged with plotting against Whitmer were arrested on Wednesday night and each faces up to life in prison. U.S. attorney Andrew Birge called them “violent extremists”.

All of us in Michigan can disagree about politics, but those disagreements should never, ever amount to violence. Violence has been prevented today,” the Detroit US attorney Matthew Schneider told reporters

One former FBI agent asked pointedly: “Who knew that Trump and Fox News’ exhortations to “liberate Michigan” might lead to an attempt to harm the governor and lead a coup? Completely unforeseeable.”   

Actually, mate, very foreseeable, given we know the right extremists have been hanging on every Trump word since Charlottesville in August, 2017, when they killed an innocent protester by running her down.  As recently as last month one renegade (Kyle Rittenhouse) paraded down a Kenosha, WI street after he shot and killed two protesters:

All of these apes and reprobates are merely the 'tips' of the iceberg. As one former ATF agent interviewed on MSNBC put it: "We use the iceberg theory- you only apprehend or see 10 percent, the other 90 percent are hidden."

Another seven degenerates were charged with plotting to target law enforcement and attack the state capitol building. The state attorney general, Dana Nessel, announced additional charges under Michigan’s anti-terrorism law. Seven of these apes, all in custody, are linked to the militia group Wolverine Watchmen.

These dregs and deplorables are suspected of attempting to ID the homes of law enforcement officers to “target them, make threats of violence intended to instigate a civil war”. They also planned and trained for an operation to attack the Michigan capitol building and to kidnap government officials, including the governor, Nessel said. These are the maggots the Maggot-in-chief Trump reveres, else he'd have sent well wishes to Gov. Whitmer instead of blaming her.  But this is the animated excrement we have for a president...for now.

The news sent shockwaves through a country facing one the most contentious elections in its history, thanks to Traitor Trump.  We know him as the Russian stooge,  backed into office thanks to a dysfunctional electoral college - no longer able to isolate and repudiate demagogues and riff raff, eg.

 No thanks to this traitor who ought to have been hung by now, the election has already been marred  by: voter suppression  - including removing mail ballot drop boxes in TX, PA -   as well as civil unrest linked to police brutality and assorted violent incidents and protests by heavily armed right wingers.  I call them "apes" because that is at the level their brains function: snarling, territorial apes driven by the amygdala - so not yet processed into civil (or civilizing) modes of behavior.

Ms. Whitmer, a Democrat, told reporters on Thursday that she knew the job would be hard when she took the oath of office nearly two years ago but she “never could have imagined anything like this”.  Well, as Janice said, "imagine if she had been a black woman, say like Kamala Harris."

Ms. Whitmer thanked law enforcement, and said she hoped the criminal charges would “lead to convictions, bringing these sick and depraved men to justice”.   Well, we can only hope, unless the Traitor -in -chief pardons the scum.  In addition,  Dotard taking credit for busting the renegades was really choice, given local FBI offices were the ones involved in alliance with local law enforcement (from the western and eastern districts of Michigan).

She said the pandemic ought to be a time for unity – saying “we are not one another’s enemy, the virus is our enemy” – but she rightly accused Trump of stoking division instead of bringing the American people together.  Of course this has been evident to all but the most brain addled morons, imbeciles.

Referencing the first presidential debate last week, Trump told the far-right group the Proud Boys to “stand back and stand by”,  and within minutes these racist rats put the words into their logo and circulated it. Hence, Ms. Whitmer saying Trump was “rallying” groups such as the ones that plotted her kidnap.  As she noted:

Hate groups heard the president’s words not as a rebuke but as a rallying cry, as a call to action,” 

Ms. Whitmer has been the frequent target of protests by often heavily armed anti-lockdown groups who have launched numerous demonstrations against her efforts to control the spread of the coronavirus pandemic. She put major restrictions on personal movement throughout the state and on the economy, although many of those limits have been lifted.

Ms. Whitmer’s moves once caused Trump to tweet “Liberate Michigan” as an exhortation to his supporters against her sane  Covid policy. One could rightly interpret those words as an incitement to violence. Indeed, as news of the foiled plot unfolded, many commentators fingered Bonespur's words as a contributing factor to the dastardly Right wing conspiracy.

The Detroit News reported that the investigation dated to early 2020 when the FBI learned via social media that individuals were discussing a violent overthrow of several state governments. A confidential paid informant then recorded a meeting between more than a dozen people from several states that took place in Dublin, Ohio.

As an affidavit pointed out:

The group talked about creating a society that followed the U.S. Bill of Rights and where they could be self-sufficient. They discussed different ways of achieving this goal from peaceful endeavors to violent actions. At one point, several members talked about state governments they believed were violating the US constitution, including the government of Michigan and Governor Gretchen Whitmer.”

Through electronic communications, two of the alleged conspirators then “agreed to unite others in their cause and take violent action against multiple state governments that they believe are violating the US constitution”, the FBI said.

One of the  conspirators, Adam Fox, said he needed 200 men to storm the capitol building in Lansing and take hostages, including the governor, according to the FBI. He said he wanted to try Whitmer for “treason” and would execute the plan before the November 3rd election.

Later, however, the group shifted to targeting the governor’s vacation home, as a soft target.

Speaking on CNN late Thursday, Ms. Whitmer said the White House’s attacks have stoked threats against her.

We have to call it out for what it is – it is domestic terrorism,” 

Bingo, Madam Governor.  And we need to clean the nation of all these sewer rats, starting after we oust Trump and his nest of vipers from power. 

Ms. Whitmer said White House had not checked up on her, while Joe Biden and Charlie Baker – the Republican governor of Massachusetts – had. 

"That’s what decent people do,” she said. Not long after news of the thwarted plot broke, Trump campaign official Jason Miller attacked Whitmer: “If we want to talk about hatred, then Gov. Whitmer, go look in the mirror - the fact that she wakes up every day with such hatred in her heart towards President Trump.”  Gimme a break, you Reeptard monkey.  Given Trump's antics - even blaming his infection on Gold Star  families when they were the ones infected by him, shows he warrants every last erg of hate any sentient brain can muster.  He is a pestilence, and to my knowledge we treat a pestilence (like bubonic plague) as something to be eradicated because we hate its destructive influence and affect.

One last takeaway: In the midst of the disinformation that now pollutes our political discourse, one is particularly dangerous: that private militias are constitutionally protected.

Although these vigilante groups often cite the Second Amendment’s “well regulated militia” for their authority, history and Supreme Court precedent make clear that the phrase does not authorize private militias outside of government control.  You cannot start your own militia to do whatever you want.  You are not a governing authority unto yourself.

Most alarmingly, some of them are planning their own poll-watching and openly training in preparation for the post-election period.  Trump's toady Bill Barr is even enabling potentially violent interactions by removing restrictions on poll interference.

It would be nice to state or believe this incident, and the apprehension of these terrorists, will be the end of the insanity - but we know it can't be as long as Donald Trump remains in office.   This is particularly so as we now behold this asshole's brain (on steroids) cratering even more, lashing out at Kamala Harris as a "monster" and "communist" and even castigating his own WH staff.

  He even declared that Attorney General William P. Barr would go down in history “as a very sad, sad situation” if he did not indict Democrats like Mr. Biden and former President Barack Obama.  This asswipe with pretensions of authoritarian domination has often argued that his political antagonists should be prosecuted.  But in this case, he went further by saying that he had directly pressured AG Barr to indict without waiting for more evidence.  Saying:  “He’s got all the information he needs.  They want to get more, more, more, they keep getting more. I said, ‘You don’t need any more.’”

At this point, if I were Barr, I'd have initiated the 25th amendment process against this psycho as he's clearly unfit to  be occupying the highest office in the land.  At his last eruption he ought to have been carted off by the men in white - strapped to an ECT board- to the nearest funny farm.

On perhaps the more realistic (and attainable) level, Nancy Pelosi said yesterday said she planned to introduce legislation on Friday creating a commission on presidential capacity to review the health of a commander- in -chief under provisions of the 25th Amendment providing for the temporary transfer of power to the vice president.

This needs to be done ASAP and the Repukes need to cooperate for once. Especially given the maniac with the nuclear codes also yelped out in his current mania that he is "ready to fight China or Russia if necessary."

Where is the CIA's special operations team when you need them?  Especially given he could turn on them next.

 See also:

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by Wim Laven | October 9, 2020 - 7:59am | permalink

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