Thursday, October 8, 2020

Hands Down, The Fly Takes Out Pence And His Lies - Leaving Kamala Harris The Winner Of VP Debate


"Omigod!" Janice screamed.  "Look at that fly on Pence's hair. And it's just sitting there!  What is going on?"

I then reminded her, as a fan of the horror genre, that flies have been associated with the demonic and Satanic in all the most intriguing horror flicks, from 'The Amityville Horror' to 'The Nun' and many others.   This was a point also brought up by MSNBC commentator Steve Schmidt in the wake of the (much more languid) debate last night between Kamala Harris and VP Mike Pence (who - as noted by Eugene Robinson, "resorted to soft interruptions" - but nearly as many as Trump)

Schmidt took it a step further when he snarked the fly is “the mark of the devil” during a conversation with host Ari Melber on MSNBC after the debate.

“I don't think it’s ever a good sign when a fly lands on your head for two minutes. That’s a sign all through history of sin and historically, biblically... it’s only safe to say this, Ari, after midnight but a fly, he who commands the fly has been seen historically as the mark of the devil,” Schmidt said with a straight face.

Melber then laughed and asked if he was joking, and added.

The fly could have landed on anyone."

Yes, Ari, it could have, but didn't! It landed square on Pence's cranium and in the front  so 58 million viewers could see it, not in the rear. What are the odds of that?  As Steve Schmidt said in reply:

Yes, but it didn’t. It landed on Mike Pence and it says something karmic about the status of the campaign as it implodes,”

 And  btw, on the same day the most despicable wretch on the planet -Donald Trump - proclaimed he felt "blessed by God" for getting Covid.  A wacko blurtation that had many COVID affected families outraged, as well as when the orange swine claimed he "felt 20 years younger."

Of course, the right wing media, lots of their pundits, have scrambled to try to assert the mainstream media's attention to the fly is a signal that Pence "won".  Not so! It is actually a signal that he lost, because by concentrating on the fly any attention to Pence's lies and BS talking points were knocked off track.  Btw, no help from moderator Susan Page, who repeatedly allowed herself to be steamrolled by Pence talking right past her fervent pleas for adhering to rules- while Kamala mostly complied.

Meanwhile, all Harris had to do is appear competent and composed in the face of Pence's lying onslaught and she was.  Even a FOX commentator (Howard Katz) admitted as much earlier this a.m.  

Anyway, that's the take and according to much of the media the order of victory for the debate win goes as follows:  (1) Harris,  (2) The Fly, (3) Mike Pence

Meanwhile here are other takes on the debate:

by Robert Reich | October 9, 2020 - 6:45am | permalink

— from Robert Reich's Blog

The Vice Presidential debate didn’t have the fireworks of the first presidential debate but Pence’s lies were just as egregious as Trump’s.

The only honest thing about Pence last night was the fly on his head.

From the moment he was tapped to be Donald Trump’s second-in-command, Mike Pence has served a single purpose: To put a placid, half-way respectable face on the disastrous, cruel policies of his boss. And that’s exactly what he did last night. Pence lied just like his boss, he flouted the debate rules like his boss, he evaded hard questions like his boss.

by Ken Carman | October 8, 2020 - 6:08am | permalink

Last night's debate annoyed me, though not as much as the previous Trump/Biden debate. A yell fest? No thanks. No: not the fly. But God does seem to be sending us messages: over and over. All Trump's dangerous COVID nonsense? What does he get? The focus on the economy? CRASH. Now the return of The Fly. Jeff Goldblum must be jealous. This political-based sequel was more entertaining, and a hell of a lot more funny, than his version of the movie. And what are flies attracted too? Anything spewing out of the VP's mouth, perhaps?

by Jaime O'Neill | October 8, 2020 - 7:29am | permalink

It's well known to most consumers of serious news channels like Fox that there is no limit as to what Democrats will do to win, no chicanery they won't use to disguise their lack of moral fiber or decent concern for Americans. They have more ways to wiggle off a hook than a carp that's just swum through a trickle-down cloud of methamphetamine jettisoned from a boat captained by a meth dealer pursued by a patrol boat.

by Cody Fenwick | October 8, 2020 - 8:15am | permalink

2. Pence comes out lying

Pence responded to Harris's attack by echoing many of the president's false and misleading claims about the pandemic. Most prominently, he falsely said Trump "suspended all travel from China" at the start of the outbreak. While Trump did place restrictions on the travel at the end of January, thousands of people were still able to make the journey to the United States and potentially bring virus. Clearly, the virus still made it to the U.S., and the administration was unprepared for its arrival. The vice president also attacked Biden, falsely, claiming Biden opposed the "ban," though there.

The FixAnalysis

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