Trump Junior believes that his new book, 'Triggered: How The Left Thrives On Hate And Wants To Silence Us', is spectacular because it ended up on the NY Times 'best seller list'. But what he isn't saying is that his book has an asterisk beside it indicating millions of copies were bulk purchased by just 1 or 2 sources. Did Daddy Dotard help out with bulk purchases to boost the book's prominence? Very likely because it surely wan't anything to do with inherent quality. What we do know is the book has been used as part of "donations" to ens of thousands of mainly big money sources.
Trump Junior's book, to put it mildly, is utmost doggerel and political bunkum- albeit that bunkum is laden with lies that can get the low IQ crowd to believe them. Hence, it emphatically isn't geared to the "elites" but to "the lower half of the IQ curve" in the words of Harvard Government professor Harvey Mansfield. That includes all those who continue to believe using Russian-confected conspiracy material is just fine - if it helps bring down the Dems. One of the most sickening passages references the day before Donnie Junior's misbegotten father got inaugurated. It occurred at the Arlington National Cemetery where Trump was to lay a wreath on the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.
Concerning that occasion Trump Jr. wrote:
"I rarely get emotional, if ever. Yet as we drove past the rows of white grave markers, in the gravity of the moment. I had a deep sense of importance of the presidency and a love of our country."
The twerp then had another "revelation" as Daddy stood in front of the tomb surrounded by more than 400,000 graves. And as the army band played Taps young Donald ruminated on "how the Trump family had already suffered" and "this was only the beginning".
Even more choice: his addendum that "I also thought of all the sacrifices we'd have to make to help my father succeed- voluntarily giving up huge chunks of our business and all international deals to avoid the appearance we were 'profiting' off the office."
Seriously, you wretched mutt? Sacrifices? Of what? Having to give up your profits from further dubious deals? Don't make me laugh! Not making enough profits over grifting scams (like numerous planned casino bankruptcies) as well as the Trump University fraud and shell charities to enrich the Trump foundation. No, you guys didn't sacrifice (or suffer), not like the Kennedys - with two assassinations, the severe retardation and a frontal lobotomy of JFK's sister Rosemary, and other heartbreaks. And if you'd have looked a bit beyond your Trumpian egos at Arlington you might have come to the resting place of a real president, for whom the office meant an abiding dignity. Also doing actual work - as opposed to tweeting and watching FOX 9 hours a day. I refer, of course, to the Eternal flame at Arlington,

But for Trump Jr. that memorial would be too much to take in, given he'd have to face the legacy of a real president for the people, as well as the profound inadequacies of himself and his whole grifter family. As author Matt Gallagher - an Iraq war veteran- put it in a Twitter post:
"Imagine going to Arlington...and being moved to think about money. You are a soup sandwich @DonaldJTrumpJr, and my friends buried there would tell you the same thing."
Another Iraq vet, Ruben Gallego, commented: "Sacrifice is only a word to the Trumps."
Trump Junior's book, when all is said and done, is merely another transparent effort to normalize the political deviance of his father's residency in an office for which he's totally unqualified.
Worse, the political deviance ratified by the likes of Don Jr and the retinue of Dotard enablers has only further hurled this nation into a cesspit of lies and paranoia from which it may never recover. Point of fact: Three years into this reprobate's presidency fatigue has set in for most Americans. There is no vision offered, and we know where there is no vision, the people perish. In this case the first phase is the inability to discern facts from fiction, thanks to Trump's 13, 435 tallied lies spouted thus far.
The relentless assault on truth and reality- to which Trump Jr. has now added- has resulted in millions of disabled minds, which have either lost - or never developed - critical thinking skills. Truth barometers. Proof? A new poll by the Associated Press NORC Center for Public Affairs Research and USAFacts found that 47 percent of Americans believe it's difficult to know whether the information they see or read is true.
How can they when bombarded by daily drivel from the likes of FOX and Limbaugh, which twists reality - and the brains that access its perversion - convinced they are getting the truth? This fact deficit not only explains the ascension of Trump but may also well account for his re-election, god forbid. Especially if Americans fail to see why impeachment is essential to rectify the ship of state by removing a toxic, corrupt demagogue and autocrat who's setting dangerous precedents for lawlessness.
Trump Jr's book also shows clearly the reason why the whole Trump family needs to be dispatched into political exile. He claimed his 300-odd page tripe was a book "the left elites don't want you to read". I'd revise that to be: "the book no one with even moderate intelligence would want to read."
And NO, I did not read this offal, I extracted the fundamentals for this post from reviews and articles. I do not need to actually go into a porto-potty and use it to know it's full of shit. Duh!
See Also:
"It is the day before Donald Trump’s inauguration. Don Jr. joins his father for a visit to Arlington National Cemetery, and Don Sr. lays a wreath at the tomb of the unknown soldier. An Army bugler plays taps. “In that moment,” Don recalls in his new book, “Triggered,” he thought of “all the attacks we’d already suffered as a family, and about all the sacrifices we’d have to make to help my father succeed,” including giving up bits of the family business.
Reviewers and media wags have taken this as a moment of revealing bathos: this man-child of almost indescribable privilege, who has earned nothing and given nothing, finds his “hyper-rational, stoic” sensibilities melt away as he compares taking a haircut on family profits for a few years to the eternal sacrifice of the unidentified and unrecovered men and women who have died in this country’s many wars."
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