Monday, April 24, 2017

Math Revisited: Looking At Linear Algebra

In earlier posts we looked at examples of linear algebra in terms of the behavior of lines and planes, e.g.

Now, we examine this fascinating branch of advanced math at deeper levels. Some aspects will resonate from when we were looked linear solutions of certain differential equations, i.e.

In this linear algebra context, let a 3 x 3 matrix A =

(a 1.....0.......0)
(0.......a 2.....0)
(0.......0.......a n)

We're first  interested in obtaining its characteristic polynomial from:

P_A(t) =

(t- a 1.....0.......0)
(0.......t – a 2.....0)
(0.......0....... t - a n)


P_A(t) = (t – a1)(t – a2) (t – a n)

The eigenvalues can be obtained via solving for a1, a 2, a n, in the equation:

(t – a1)(t – a2) (t – an) = 0


Given the matrix:

A =

(1.. ..i)

Find the characteristic polynomial as well as the eigenvalues.

We have:

P_A(t) =

(t - 1…… i)
( i....... t + 2)

Whence: P_A(t) = (t – 1)(t + 2) – (i)2  

P_A(t) = t 2 –t + 2t -2 - (i) 2 = t 2 +t -2 + 1= t2 + t – 1

Since this is a quadratic equation, so we can find the eigenvalues (E1,2) using the quadratic formula:

E1,2 = Ö{- b +  [b 2 – 4 ac]} / 2a

Where  a, b, c denote the coefficients for the quadratic, with a the numerical coefficient for the exponent 2 term (t2), b for the exponent 1 term(t) and c the exponent 0 term. Thus: a = 1, b = 1, c = -1

Then:  E1,2 = Ö{- 1 +/- [12 – 4 (-1)]} / 2(1)

E1,2= Ö{-1 +/- [5] } / 2

So that:

E1 = Ö(-1 + [5] ) / 2 = 0.618

E2=Ö (-1 - [5] ) / 2 = -1.618

Practice Problems:

Find the characteristic polynomials and eigenvalues for each of the following matrices:

 X =

(1.. …. .2)

 Y =

(3.. ……2)
(-2...... 3)

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