DO the well-heeled Reepos care if the children of the unemployed starve? Hell NO!
can it be that millionaire Repub Senators could be so callous and mean-spirited
as to essentially tell tens of thousands of hungry kids to ‘Go Starve!’ And yet, that’s what has transpired as they’ve voted
against extending unemployment benefits to the current 1.3 million who need
them, which will become 4.8 million in a matter of months because the nature
of the odious ‘deal’ signed last month allows for a rolling cut-off. As soon as
the unemployed person hits the set limit based on maximal months, wham! He is cut off from
benefits – as is his family. That means the kids will go hungry – unless mom
and pop can manage to get enough supplies at a food pantry.
foul, heartless pigs – sitting comfortably on their own gov’t benefits – have
little or no sympathy. They could care less if the kids of the unemployed go
hungry – so long as they get theirs. No,
they insist the long –term unemployed are merely lazy, good for nuthin’
parasites trying to eke largesse from the system. They have no conception that
to the long term unemployed it fairly kills them to be taking what they know
others (like Mr. Pig) regard as “handouts”. And these hard working people – who
are only searching for a scintilla of dignity via work – would do without if
not for the kids. It is the faces of their hungry kids who cry themselves to
sleep each night that propels them to seek assistance, via unemployment benefits – or, if
it comes down to it- welfare.
do the heartless lizard brains find this so hard to grasp? What has
malfunctioned in their brains or brain stems, to make them believe these people
wouldn’t take work – ANY work – if they could find it? Well, because it’s much
easier for them to believe – after the Reagan era myths circulated of “welfare
queens” - that the unemployed are no different from this odious caricature. This despite the fact the
unemployed as workers had to pay into the system to accrue those benefits.
(Which is why, if you haven’t been working a certain length of time, you
receive none).
this is what we’ve come to as a society. Because these same lizard brained
trolls have no problem with the real corporate parasites snagging millions a
year off the backs of average tax payers. They have no problem with the sleaze
bag Wall Streeters, Oil company CEOs and banksters snatching all they can get
out of the system – and with their money.
one measure, as reported by Barbara Ehrenreich ('This Land is THEIR Land', p.
23): "the
share of pre-tax income going to the top 1 percent of American households has
risen to 16 percent. At the same time, the share of income going to the bottom
80 percent has fallen by 7 percentage points."
But it's worse than that! Those top 1 percent of people and indeed the top 5 %, have made out like bandits since the Bush tax cuts were passed in 2001. As a result, there has been an average transference of $7,000 every year from lower and middle income earners to the top.
According to a New York Times piece cited by Ehrenreich: "It's as if every household in the bottom 80% is writing a check for $7,000 every year and sending it to the top 1 percent".
Incredibly, the
lizard brains lack even basic reasoning power, or basic knowledge of economics
(understandable if they attend But it's worse than that! Those top 1 percent of people and indeed the top 5 %, have made out like bandits since the Bush tax cuts were passed in 2001. As a result, there has been an average transference of $7,000 every year from lower and middle income earners to the top.
According to a New York Times piece cited by Ehrenreich: "It's as if every household in the bottom 80% is writing a check for $7,000 every year and sending it to the top 1 percent".
bozo actually wrote: “Well, uh… if’ it’s so great to have UI for
1.3 million people to perk up the economy, why not have everyone unemployed?”
I kid you not! This turkey actually wrote that.
He has no conception of a balance sheet recession, or that the very
concept of paying unemployment insurance (like paying out Social Security
benefits) is contingent on a certain proportion of workers. In the case of S.S.
current recipients (like HE is) are dependent on the earnings of current
workers. If there were zero current workers there’d be zero S.S. benefits. In
like manner, if there were zero current workers, there’d be zero dollars in the
unemployment insurance cache to pay benefits.
this bozo seemingly doesn’t’ grasp, is that a significant fraction of long term
unemployed is disastrous for an economy whose GDP is seventy percent supported by consumer spending! Thus, the
absence of those dollars (howsoever they arrive) means the GDP is hit, and a
recession may be imminent. Losing one billion a week because of the removal of
UI benefits is therefore not anything to sneeze at.
“As one who
lost his benefits I can tell you one thing, I will be homeless and spiraling
downward without an extension. Place as much blame on me as you feel but
remember the end result. Just because somebody gets themselves stuck in the
mud, it does not mean somebody can't help them out! I've never in 38 years been
on unemployment and I am shocked by the hard time I'm having getting a job. NO
one will even hire me to dig ditches, collect garbage or clean sewers! What am
I to do, starve?"
As I already noted, the Dems are partly responsible for this travesty. Instead of giving away the store in last month's "bipartisan budget deal" - see the finalization of the act here- and note Paul Ryan's prominent smirk at Dem victim Patty Murrary:
They ought to have held firm, and held out for an extension of long term unemployment benefits - or said, NO DEAL! That was when they had the leverage. Now, all they have is dog poop, and no Repuke will come on board, least of all the Tea Pee assholes.
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