Wednesday, May 1, 2024

A Heartless Monster Who Shoots Her Child's Pet Dog In Cold Blood? She Has No Place Near The Top Of A Ticket


"You gonna butcher immigrants for Trump like ya did me?"

The psychotic South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem admits that she shot and killed her 14-month-old dog, ‘Cricket’, who “attacked chickens”.  In fact this moral degenerate was trying to "train" her child's pet dog to hunt and she didn't like its failures so wasn't paying attention when it turned its attention to chickens.  'Wha happen, mommy? You ordered me to hunt, didn't say which critter'. 'Mommy' didn't care. She blew the pup away and dumped her in a gravel pit. The monstrous bitch – a perfect fit for the MAGA cult – also admitted she executed a pet goat.  She claimed it smelled “musky,” so she shot it and dumped it into the same gravel pit as Cricket.  Trouble was she noticed it still twitching so she walked down into the pit and fired a second round into the goat's head.  She reveals all this in her soon-to-be-released book, No Going Back: The Truth on What’s Wrong With Politics and How We Move America Forward.

Move America forward? Or move America backward to butchering more innocents including people the Trump MAGA cult no longer has a use for?

'Never Trump' conservative Charlie Sykes offered a possible explanation for Noem’s bestial behavior during a Monday, April 29 appearance on MSNBC's "Morning Joe."

Noem, Sykes argued, might have thought that the dog-shooting story would impress Trump.  Why not?  A monster performing a monstrous deed to impress another monster- who’s already gone on record asserting he plans to use the military to put 11 million immigrants in detention camps if he’s elected.  No thought at all as to how much that will cost the U.S. economy in taking millions of workers away from doing jobs no American wants. But buttholes like Dotard Trump don’t process such minutiae.

Sykes told "Morning Joe" hosts Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski:

”Look, this book is a campaign book. It is a resume to be Donald Trump's vice president. And she thought it was a good idea to include this story —let's tell this short about myself, how I took this puppy and shot him in the gravel pit."

The conservative journalist/author continued, "So, why would she have done this? The obvious explanation is she thought that Donald Trump would like it. She thought that this would be a net-positive for her. “

And I believe it was, given the dictator-wannabe must be looking for a sidekick to assist in his planned retribution rampage. That's assuming there are sufficient 'swing state'  Americans distracted enough, (e.g. by Gaza, by inflation etc.) to either vote for the cockroach, not vote at all, or vote 3rd party.

Hell, one can certainly imagine Trump considering Noem as VP candidate given she now checks all the 'boxes' for retribution, violence, and moral degeneracy - like him. And we know he also has a fetish for all manner of violence up to murder, and possibly beyond. He talks about shooting shoplifters, extrajudicial murders of drug dealers and offing protesters. Back in 2015 he boasted he could shoot someone on 5th avenue and get away with it. And only recently he even insisted that the decorated Gen. Mark Milley ought to have been “executed” for treason.  He also confided to former AG Bill Barr that he has considered executing all his political enemies.  

The latest TIME issue now on the newsstands,

also delivers in black and white Trump's plans for a new term, assuming voters won't mind if he gets convicted in the NY hush money case.

Those plans include giving police what's called "qualified immunity" so they can shoot anyone on sight for committing a perceived illegal act and not face any consequences.

For Trump wannabe adviser Stephen Miller – who bears an astounding likeness to Nazi Propaganda Minister Joseph Goebbels,

 What's not to like, especially for a wannabe Fuhrer like Donald Trump?  

After all it was Miller who had conceived of locking up immigrant infants barely five years ago. He probably mused: “Heck if she can shoot a pup and a goat we can probably get her to help execute immigrants in our detention camps.” 

For those who believe this beyond the pale or "histrionic", think again.  My late German friend Kurt Braun,

Back in 1978 showed us film-videos of Nazi depredations from his archives. As a former Hitler Youth (pressed into service under threat to his mother) he also recalled how part of their training had entailed shooting and killing small animals: kittens, puppies, rabbits.  As Kurt explained it: 

"They believed if we could take the lives of small, defenseless animals, it would break down any mental or emotional barriers to taking the lives of humans."

 Noem, by her act of monstrosity on two helpless animals, has shown openly and graphically what any future Trump term would look like: coarse, brutal, barbaric, violent and vengeful. Are enough voters in swing states paying attention, or do they even care? Time will tell but the polling thus far isn't sanguine.

See Also:

by Amanda Marcotte | May 1, 2024 - 6:52am | permalink

— from Salon

Squint hard enough and perhaps one can see how Gov. Kristi Noem, R-S.D., thought it was a winning political move to brag about murdering a puppy. It's the same trolling strategy used by MAGA Republicans like Donald Trump, Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene of Georgia and Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas: Say something extremely evil, stupid, or both. Draw the inevitable liberal outrage or mockery. Play the victim, claiming that it's more proof the "elites" hate the common sense working folk of MAGA. Then sit back and watch the dollars and followers roll in.

For Noem, however, her tale of shooting her dog Cricket is not working out quite as planned. Sure, she got the predictable outrage and disgust from Democrats. But she also seems to have alienated the very Trump supporters she was trying to impress with her bloodthirsty tale. Fox News let their displeasure be known by doing a round-up story of conservative social media influencers denouncing Noem, often with quite harsh language. "Did she just intentionally end her career?" asked trollish podcaster Tim Poole. Other high-profile right-wingers blasted Noem as an "Absolute Psycho" and called for her to be "criminally charged for animal abuse." Even the notorious right-wing troll Catturd — who has 2.4 million Twitter followers because he acts as vile as his name suggests — drew a line at killing your child's beloved pet.


by Jaime O’Neill | May 2, 2024 - 7:05am | permalink

You’ve heard about the death of little Cricket, right, a nice little pup, dead at 14 months old, which isn’t even all that old in dog years. He (or perhaps she, the details aren’t entirely clear) was shot to death, with malice aforethought, by Kristi Noem, the not-so-honorable Governor of South Dakota. She hated Cricket. She was unrepentant about killing the little dog. He (or perhaps she) didn’t take to training, didn’t like being controlled, wouldn't always do what other creatures would have her (or him) do. Like Bartleby the Scrivener, the dog just preferred not to. In other words, Cricket had something of a mind of her (or his) own, and boy howdy, the right-wingers hate that in a person, and especially in a dog. Not a good quality in any sort of bitch at all, apparently. Poor Cricket, whatever the pup’s gender, was too much like too damn many human females, who will, if given half a chance, do as they damn well please, too, right down to aborting their fetuses. Women: can’t live with ‘em, can’t shoot ‘em.

But puppies don’t have similar legal protections. So Governor Noem took Cricket out to a little gravel pit on her back 40 and shot him (or her) to death without so much as blinking an eye or a howdy do. No one fucks with chicks like Kristi if they or it knows what’s good for ‘em. She’s a badassed mother, and she knows to head to Texas when she needs to get her teeth fixed purty enough to nail you with her killer smile.


by Jaime O’Neill | April 30, 2024 - 6:22am | permalink


Which brings us to this bitch below, another heartless Republican who can be utterly callous even when it came to killing her own little doggy, Cricket, a 14-month-old pup the Governor of South Dakota said she "hated." I repeat, "hated." Her word, not mine.

So, what was a mother to do? Cricket just had to die. Who but lily-livered socialists, Dems, fags, or weak feminist sisters would think otherwise? They won't man up, but she sure as hell will. Trump has made it clear how much he hates dogs, and he's her guy. Need a doggie duster? Who ya gonna call?

She said in her political bio (coming soon to a book store near you, should there be one) that she did it because the dog wouldn't behave and couldn't be trained. So, as is often the case with fascists, and as Trump has said so often about so many things, she had no choice but to take it out back and shoot it. Nothing else to be done. She couldn't think to find someone who might be a little more patient with the attempts to train the mutt. That would be inconvenient, and it might involve having to deal with people who had more compassion than it is generally reasonable to expect right wingers to tolerate.

So. bang-bang, a little doggy death whining and the problem is solved. Then you brag about it to potential voters who love them some good women who do what needs to be done and don't mind getting their hands dirty. Or bloody. Kristi wanted it known that she's nothing like those candy-ass left-wing women who only neuter their husbands and boyfriends, guys who don't have much in the way of balls, anyway. Shooting a no-account mutt would surely score points with "the base." Their kinda gal, just as Joni Ernst was when she boasted of castrating hogs to win the votes of Iowans.

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