Wednesday, June 14, 2023

Clown Show In Miami Shows The Grifter's Nature - He Didn't Even Pay For The Lunches At Cuban Diner He Promised


                               Trump's Bimbo mock  "lawyer" - Alina Habba

                                    Protester with real pig's head outside courthouse
                                   Protestors square off outside courthouse

"So wary are Trump’s “challengers” of offending his supporters that they can’t bring themselves to condemn him for the exceedingly credible allegations narrated in the indictment, or even to address the damning evidence. Instead they echo Trump’s own B.S., depicting him as a victim of special counsel Jack Smith, the Justice Department, the FBI and ultimately Biden, who’ve somehow conspired to “weaponize” the levers of government, third-world style, to bring down a political riva
l. - Jackie Calmes, LA Times, If the GOP candidates won’t take on Trump, why run at all?

From the barking Trump bimbo mouthpiece Alina Habba-  ranting about the 'criminal persecution' of her master -  to the side show scenes on North Miami Avenue, yesterday showed all you needed to know about the deplorable state of the nation. After it has been dragged through Trump's carnival and lawless sewer for the past 7 years.  The headline on the front page of The Miami Herald said it all: 

 Trump Tried to Turn Dead Serious Miami Case Into Campaign Sideshow

Well, this orange maggot did turn it into a sideshow, at least for the time he infested the area - working up his deluded forlorn followers who really believe he got the wrong end of the stick in this federal indictment. When, as Chris Christie pointed out in his CNN Town Hall Monday night, "he brought this on himself".  He did it by seizing then keeping highly sensitive documents and files - including to do with U.S. plans for an Iran operation - and then refusing to return them, and lying about it.  I thought for a time- as I read the indictment, e.g.

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 what my WWII vet dad:

 would have thought if a former president openly displayed plans for a U.S. attack on Guadalcanal, Bua Gona or Iwo Jima during the war - even leaving them out in the open in a bathroom. Well, dad would have wanted the bastard shot or at least tossed in the can (e.g. Ft. Leavenworth) as a traitor.  Case closed. No excuses, no bullshit, no baloney.  

But asswad fungal cockroach Donald Trump pretends to be the victim in this whole charade and has the nerve to call the real hero - Jack Smith - a "deranged psycho" -  wittingly or unwittingly projecting his own defects onto the special prosecutor.  

And as appalling were the scenes of hundreds of his deluded zombies giving their traitor master a pass, even more abominable were his fellow GOP presidential candidates rewarding him with their ignorant, specious defenses.  SC Bimbo and wannabe prez Nikki Haley even stated that if elected she'd pardon Trump if he was convicted.  That is where the current GOP field stands, a rotten, verminous nest of traitor sympathizers and Trump butt lickers. 

 The only standouts who refused to be browbeaten into submission were former Arkansas governor Asa Hutchinson, and former NJ governor Chris Christie. Both of these candidate almost certainly know they have zero chance of getting the GOP nomination. But they also know that by lobbing verbal torpedoes at Trump they are performing a public service, as Christie did at the CNN Town Hall Monday, e.g.

CNN Town Hall: Chris Christie Blasts Trump, Fellow Candidates – Rolling Stone


"Chris Christie skewered his Republican opponents for blindly defending Donald Trump in the face of a damming criminal indictment from the Justice Department. During a CNN town hall event Monday night, Christie directly addressed other candidates attacking the DOJ on behalf of the former president: “Blame him, he did it.” 

But the rest of the cretinous cowards in the Trump cult remain liars and adjunct traitors for carrying water for a know -nothing, seditious psychotic who ought to have been hanged by now.  They all deserve nothing but lumps of coal at the (likely) premature termination of their respective campaigns for being such insufferable, spineless poltroons.  

Equally spineless, as well as clueless, are the media which continue to treat this roach like he's a regular candidate as opposed to a pestilence or malignancy. Even MSNBC yesterday afternoon gave no less than five minutes to a screeching bimbo named Alina Habba who fulminated against the indictment, Jack Smith and Democrats. Prompting Nation columnist David Corn at one point to plead with the network to "pull the plug".  Especially as then host Andrea Mitchell broke away from a superb analysis by David Jolly on how the Repuke lies concerning the indictment trump even the 'Big Lie' of the 2020 election.

We don't know what the trial - if there is one- will bring, or if the Trump toady judge Aileen Cannon does his bidding again by delaying gambits and other tricks. (Rejecting key evidence). Some commentators yesterday insisted she will "rise to the occasion" and behave herself but I'm not holding my breath. It is also likely - if worse comes  to worse - and trial is delayed until after the 2024 general elections.  Which means Trump's fate - and our nation's - may again rest in the hands of the remaining sane voters who refuse to allow "showmanship to blind them to the facts" in Chris Christie's parlance.


Addendum- Update:

Trump cult fans wanna see how their "hero" really rolls?  Check out how the grifter left dozens at a Cuban restaurant (Versailles) having to pay the bill - after he promised "free food" for them on Monday then bolted after they ate it, e.g.:

Eager supporters of former President Donald Trump were promised free food, but they were left hanging when he left a Miami restaurant before picking up the tab, per the Miami New Times


 New Times wondered, did Trump — who famously fancies his chicken from KFC and his steaks well-done and slathered with ketchup but isn't exactly known for picking up the check — treat his fan club to a spread of croquetas, pastelitos, and cubanos chased with cafecitos?

It turns out no one got anything. Not even a cafecito to-go.

See Also:


by Alex Henderson | June 16, 2023 - 7:22am | permalink


by Dave Lindorff | June 14, 2023 - 6:06am | permalink


The stolen and lied-about documents that Trump stands indicted for trying to hide from federal investigators, such as information about the American nuclear weapons stockpile, its assessment of other nuclear nations’ nuclear arsenals and vulnerabilities, plans to attack Iran, and embarrassing assessments of foreign leaders, have pundits and politicians in an appropriate high dudgeon.

But no major media pundits or political leaders are asking the big question: Why are so many of the documents Trump has been trying to keep from FBI investigators and the National Archive being kept secret from the American people in a country that at least claims to be the world’s model democracy?


Eugene Robinson: Arguments against prosecuting Trump don't add up


Jack Smith Brings The Hammer Down On Trump With 37 Ct Indictment - But Final Say May Still Be Up To Voters 


Thomas L. Friedman


How Trump Keeps Getting Away With It


Trump tried to turn dead-serious Miami case into a campaign sideshow. Don’t fall for it | Opinion

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