Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Of Fear & False Flags - Why Trump's Terror Apes Won't Be Disturbing Tomorrow's Inauguration


     Trump's Terror Apes After Invading The House Chamber January 6th

Trump's conviction in the upcoming Senate trial and the evidence that he had orchestrated a domestic terror attack on the nation's Capitol, should now be a 'slam dunk' as new video has been released by The New Yorker, e.g.   

A Reporter’s Footage from Inside the Capitol Siege | The New Yorker

This shows Trump's MAGA terror apes in all their "revolutionary" regalia acting as apes do: screeching ape babble ("Knock! Knock! We're here!"), smashing through doors,  descending on the House chamber, defiling it and scenes of apes actually rifling through documents and trying to capture the pages on their cell phones.  One ape even tells another, "This is what Hawley and Cruz would want us to do!"  And yet another ape screeches at the Capitol police, "Your boss, Donald Trump, sent us here!"  

Way to go, nitwit, you just proved the Dem's case for Trump inciting insurrection.  

All of the scenes we've now beheld have stirred outrage, revulsion and shame at what we've come to as a nation.  They show a nation cracked up and off kilter, no longer exceptional, if it ever was. A nation "drunk on lies and propaganda" - as one psychologist related to CNN's Jake Tapper.

As a result of so many demented Trump minions and their threats, the nation's capital has the appearance of a massive fortress with more than 20,000 National Guard manning checkpoints and ensuring security.  This for Joseph R. Biden Jr's inauguration where a new Trumpie terror attack had been expected to disrupt the occasion.

Don't look for it.   Apart from the superior forces arrayed against such a repeat insurrection effort, the traitor cowards now are in fear they are being played via a "false flag".  Being told they can come for peaceful protests but which are in reality a "trap" to catch the little bastards.

As a WaPo report last week (Jan. 14) noted, on intercepting the "chatter" from the web's denizens, it's evident the traitor Trump rats are no longer planning to come- at least in large numbers.   Much of this latest intel has arrived thanks to the SITE intelligence group which monitors right wing extremists and their use of social media to inspire and organize crazy adherents.

Among their findings:   Word has circulated among the  rabble denizens that it's no longer smart to descend on D.C. "with all the military in place"   but "they can't stay there forever or in all the state capitals".   According to the organizer of the 'Million Militia March' - in his own words from his rathole on the net:


The takeaway being the sewer rats with their red MAGA caps will wait for another time and place. In one 4chan post, the MAGAs are admonished to "have some damned ingenuity and autonomy." Then on Telegram, for example,  some users have called on followers to abandon plans for a second protest in Washington in favor of surprise attacks nationwide.  In the words of one half- crazed, Telegram channel administrator:

"These lizards have addresses outside of DC, all over the country, hell maybe nearby in your flyover state. Is the military going to deploy in mass everywhere? They can’t.”

The "lizards" reference an homage of sorts to the QAnon meme that the Democrats and Deep State are really Reptilian aliens in human disguise. Clearly this Bozo has been binge watching the old sci-fi series, "V":

In the meantime the warning has gone out that the announcements of any "peaceful protests" are just "false flags" and all true MAGA heads need to stay away.  These planned events are merely law  enforcement-staged  "traps" to snatch the unwary Trumpkins.    

Well, as they should be if they're carrying weapons - as several have been found to on trying to enter National Guard -manned checkpoints.  Social media platforms have also done their due diligence by removing all accounts and chat apps that had been used to coordinate the January 6th assault.   Meanwhile, the FBI is still poring through images and videos to identify the rats who rampaged through the Capitol.  Mandrill apes like Jake Chansley (nee 'Jake Angeli') who got himself decked out in a ridiculous horned helmet and warpaint before invading Mike Pence's space, e.g.

"Jake Angeli"  and Mandrill Ape

And left a threatening note for Pence. After being locked up, his momma begged Arizona prison officers to please go easy on him as he "could only eat organic food" and was getting sick of cold bologna sandwiches and other  prison fare.  Chansley actually told the FBI he went to the Capitol "at the request of the President".  But we still don't know if he threatened VP Pence at the same request.   Given the ape made himself the most prominent symbol of a violent insurrection, a detention memo filed January 14 asked that he remain incarcerated pending trial.    He's lucky. In the olden days of my Revolutionary War ancestors he'd have been hung by the neck.

Going back to the Washington Post piece we read:

"It’s a measure of Trump’s influence that the extremists are expressing frustration that they are left without clear guidance by any central figure about what to do and when and where to gather. But they are adapting."

Well, there's no guidance because Trump is now in isolation - no Twitter access to bark out his lies-  and seething over the legal retribution that awaits him once he leaves the White House cocoon. 

The good news is that there is too much military force on D.C. streets  -enough to crush 10,000  human roaches -  for any but the most imbecilic Trumpies to disrupt the proceedings.  E.g.

"On TheDonald.win, a forum that attracted some of Trump’s most zealous and threatening supporters in the run-up to the Jan. 6 attack, users appeared to accept that law enforcement officials probably would crush any protest in the near future. "

The bad news?

 The FBI and the Department of Homeland Security concluded that there is “a great degree of uncertainty” around the timing and location of potential attacks, even as the volume of online extremist chatter has increased significantly.

This is where we are now in this country:  A nation in the midst of ongoing political warfare, thanks to Traitor Trump's sowing of lies and propaganda that's poisoned the minds of millions.  What Team Biden needs almost as much as a cleaning out of the White House, is 10 million psychotherapists trained in deprogramming cult victims.  In any case we wish him the best as he faces a Repuke party in which 74 percent (according to a recent poll) do not believe he won the election legitimately. 

See Also:

by Mike Ferner | January 19, 2021 - 7:04am | permalink

by David Atkins | January 17, 2021 - 6:51am | permalink

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