Thursday, January 14, 2021

Brash Boebert Merits Expulsion After Revealing House Speaker's Location During Insurrection.

   Colorado's Cretin Rep Lauren Boebert - Finds herself in a firestorm already

"The question is whether Boebert violated the 14th Amendment, which prohibits anyone from holding federal office who has “engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof.” Her words in public fall short of calling for insurrection, although her live tweets about the secure location of House members during the attack — “We were locked in the House Chambers” she wrote followed shortly by “The Speaker has been removed from the chambers” — do raise questions ...

Boebert is using her office to damage the U.S. We can’t imagine that’s what her constituents had in mind when they elected her just a few months ago. Coloradans — especially her constituents — need definitive answers about whether she was a hapless victim of Trump’s actions or whether she was a participant in an effort to prevent the peaceful transition of power."  'Boebert Must Be Investigated For Her Role In Insurrection'- Denver Post Editorial today, p. A15

Barely 2 weeks ago I referenced a Glock -toting Bimbo and an embarrassment to Colorado named  Lauren Boebert.  E.g.

 This cretin was sworn into Congress on January 3rd after somehow being elected from the state's 3rd congressional district.   In the wake of her ridiculous election one Denver Post letter writer actually wrote;

"What is really concerning is the quality of people in the district who voted for this uneducated, crazy person to go to congress.  This is the best they've got?  That is pretty sad."

 Indeed it is as we've all been learning, especially as the brash little Trumpie Bimbo has made quite a name for herself in the past ten days and even stoked calls for her resignation or expulsion.

In that time, Boebert has received a warning from the D.C. police chief  for appearing to violate the city’s gun laws, used her first floor objection speech to cast doubt on the 2020 election, voted to overturn the results of that election, falsely claimed rioters at the U.S. Capitol were not conservatives, saw protests at all of her Colorado offices and was censored by Twitter for falsely accusing the Democratic National Committee of rigging elections.

This is the unhinged twerp a subset of Colorado's more mentally challenged voters have succeeded in putting into the Capitol.  A human train wreck who even got shamed by a Republican colleague who criticized her for tweeting during the Capitol insurrection. 

Despite the (sometime) accurate website 'Snopes' insisting she never gave away "exact"  location details, that wasn't the point.  As noted by another congressman,   Boebert defied orders from the Capitol Police during the lockdown at the building by tweeting out that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi had been moved from the chambers.  

Senator Brian Schatz of Hawaii tweeted Monday that the lawmakers had been explicitly told by Capitol police during the lockdown that they should not tell anyone where they were, including familyHe wrote:

"We were specifically instructed by those protecting us not to tell anyone, including our family, where exactly we were, for reasons that remain obvious,"

Boebert-  being a member of the House, would not have been sequestered with  Schatz - a Senator - during the lockdown. However, Rep. Eric Swalwell was housed with her, and claimed they were given a similar order.  According to Swalwell:

"So were we in the House. @laurenboebert was told by the Sergeant of Arms in the chamber to not make any social media posts. It was said repeatedly. She defied it because she is more closely aligned with the terrorists than the patriots,"


"We must discover which elected and appointed officials, if any, and which civil servants, were helping the coup."

And there was more than one Dem House member - including Alexandria Ocasio Cortez - who believed Boebert was helping the MAGA Mob by giving them AOC's location. (Boebert had vowed to go after the Squad - of which AOC is a member- from before her election.  It was a promise made to her future constituents who detested the outspoken NY Rep..)   

A South Carolina GOP representative reportedly called her a QAnon conspiracy theorist.  Which she is.  When pressed by a UK paper (The Independent) on being a member she denied it, then stupidly added that she "hoped it was true".  Which means the little degenerate twit wants to believe that  there is a global demonic pedophile ring that controls the U.S. government and that only Donald Trump is fighting against it alongside a "white hat" deep state operative called "Q."  This bull crap also alleges child cannibalism, the use of  Reptilian alien human clones, and adherents looking forward to an apocalyptic event called "The Storm" that they believe will include the mass trials and executions of Democratic lawmakers.  

Meanwhile Democratic Rep. Jason Crow- also from Colorado -  publicly called her a fool, adding;

She has no place in the Capitol.” 

A dozen members of Colorado’s legislature also said she should resign

While Boebert released a statement saying she denounced the violence at the US Capitol she instantly kneecapped that denunciation.  First, by idiotically conflating the MAGA terror with the BLM protests over the summer.  Then admitting she believed Antifa were the culprits responsible for the Capitol mayhem. Never mind all the MAGA caps and Trump flags everywhere.

Another suspicious move: In the early morning on the day of the insurrection, Boebert tweeted that "Today is 1776" - a clear reference to the American Revolution. So she was cheering for the MAGA terrorists from the get-go  to succeed in their own Trump-inspired "revolution" and knew damned well they were MAGA and not Antifa.

In an interview after the insurrection, Boebert likened her support of her master Trump’s false claims of election fraud  to the American Founding Fathers signing the Declaration of Independence. Imagine that for a second: Analogizing that hallowed document's principles to a justification for sedition and installing a clear election LOSER into the presidency - while spitting at the 81 million odd voters who voted him out. 

Other Republicans have even called for Boebert to be held accountable for the insurrection at the Capitol.   Colorado House Speaker, Russ George, a Republican, was interviewed by The Daily Sentinel, a Colorado newspaper (in a conservative district) which quoted him thusly.  

 “I’m inclined to hold everybody who had any role in (Wednesday’s events) accountable and responsible, and that includes Boebert. It’s unforgivable …” 

He said this from Boebert's hometown of Rifle, where the little viper owns a gun- themed restaurant called "Shooters Grille".  She was also known for saying that - if elected - she would carry a gun to Congress.  She's also been known for her associations with the QAnon conspiracy cult, and particularly believes Nancy Pelosi is one of the lizard people that bunch of nuts think is helping to take over the U.S.  (Of course, just about all of them Dems!)

Vexed at the unwanted attention she'd been getting, Boebert also blocked a columnist at Colorado Newsline on Twitter who wrote a scathing column about her following the events of the insurrection.  The columnist, Trish Zornio, claimed  Boebert was defying the First Amendment by blocking a journalist from accessing information she was putting out into the public.  Ms Zornio wrote:

"It would seem that regardless of political stripes, one thing is for certain: In less than one week on the job, Boebert has managed to likely subvert both the First and Fourteenth Amendments of the U.S. Constitution, It’s an infamous legacy, and one that has more than earned her resignation or expulsion."

I totally concur with that assessment and also assert that if incontrovertible evidence does manifest of her being  a MAGA mob accomplice she needs to be expelled instantly.  In any case she needs to resign just for all the inexcusable missteps made and sedition she's already spawned. True,  she was not the only lawmaker to tweet during last Wednesday's failed insurrection  but critics insisted Boebert helped reveal the location of House Speaker Pelosi. According to reporting from The Hill, those critics include Boebert's Republican colleagues in the House.

To show how insane this blithering imp is,  after conflating the MAGA insurrection terror with BLM protests, she also included the names of Democrats and celebrities "who have encouraged mob violence." Without a scintilla of evidence she listed former President Barack Obama, President-elect Joe Biden, Madonna, Robert De Niro and Johnny Depp.

As if to further undermine her credibility, on Tuesday night Boebert refused to let Capitol Police search her bag for a gun after setting off a metal detector at the entrance to House chambers. The metal detectors, she said, were a “political stunt” by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi.  In fact, they were imposed by the D.C. police chief as a precautionary measure in the Capitol Bldg.  Regarding Boebert's magnetometer -dodging episode,  one observer tweeted the following: 

When asked if she regretted her reckless tweets on Pelosi, Boebert fell silent and headed to House chambers and her run-in with the Capitol Police over the metal detectorsOne can only hope the House has a psychotherapist on standby and an electro -shock station when this deranged fool finally whigs out.

See Also:

QAnon reshaped Trump’s party and radicalized believers. The Capitol siege may just be the start.


Democrats demand investigation of whether Republicans in Congress aided Capitol rioters


by Harvey Wasserman | January 14, 2021 - 6:32am | permalink

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