Saturday, April 2, 2011

Follow Your Own Advice, Pastor Porky!

Jeez Louise, these friggin' evangelical nimrods really floor me! It's like they all have an egomaniacal streak and range bigger than Hitler's! WTF is wrong with them? They can't live and let live, they constantly stir up hate and vitriol, then they get unnerved when called out on it! I just wish we could take the whole lot and either remand them to an insane asylum, or shoot them all off to Mars to do their own thing.

First, there's the maniac Terry Jones who actually (11 days ago) carried out his threat to burn the Qu'uran, which he did on Youtube. This then found its way to the Muslim world resulting in the slaughter of 20 U.N. workers in Afghanistan, as enraged Muslims vented their fury on hapless and exposed U.N. workers. Of course, this fruitcake is responsible for every one of those deaths and - if there is a Hell (unfortunately, it's disproven) he would be awarded the hottest circle in it.
Second, there's the Confederate Senator from South Carolina, Jim DeMint, who while not a self-proclaimed pastor, does stick his religious opinions out into the public square. In the latest instance, while addressing the "Values Voters Summit" railed that:

"When you got Big Government, you're going to have a little God!"

Well, first clue, Sherlock! We already know from sociological evidence that religious belief and activity is a superficial coping mechanism easily cast aside when the majority in a given society enjoy true (not faux) democratic government, and a secure, comfortable and middle class lifestyle. Thus, when governments DO provide sufficient benefits and resources for their citizens, then they don't have to get on bended knee and beg for supernatural relief that will never come.

The core of research (largely statistical) directed at this issue shows the primary reason the U.S. is a statistical outlier in religious belief is income inequality (as measured by the Gini coefficient). This index has seen inequality increase ever since Bush Jr. was handed his presidency, compliments of the five Supremes, in 2000.

Meanwhile the U.S., with its historically lower taxes, fewer public safety nets, and more poor than rich (by more than a 25:1 ratio) displays a greater disparity than any other nation. Moreover, it displays a much greater social pathology. Understanding the basis of this pathology doesn’t take a genius. As anyone with more than air between the ears can see, on examining state by state budget deficits now exploding, in every case “re-balancing” is being done on the backs of the poor, the disabled, the elderly and the homeless. The results are predictable: loss of health care, loss of jobs and loss of overall security, as well as increase in drug use, violent criminality and prostitution.

The conclusion is inescapable: given the mass insecurity and economic discomfort – which we’re seeing a lot of homes that continue to be foreclosed and as more and more lose jobs and go to food banks- the victimized citizens will turn to the aid and protection of non-existent supernatural powers since they can’t expect any relief from existent government.

So, DeMint is quite correct but for the wrong reasons! The solution is not more religion, but more government protection and security for its citizens against the depredations of corporations and manic Tea baggers determined to rip out the last vestiges of economic security via vicious budget cuts!

Lastly, we come to a whiny, porky Florida pastor Birther, who I will call "Pastor Porky" but could also be called "Pastor Whiny". He's forever pissing and moaning about Obama, atheists, Catechists, JWs, Muslims and socialists this and that, instead of carrying his fat rump to a soup kitchen where he might at least be able to help out (and make himself useful) by feeding homeless kids. But no, he chooses to waste time on his autocratic, hyper-hateful and racist blog calling out everyone else and offering a bible who's injunctions he himself ignores (e.g. "Judge not, lest ye be judged, for how thou judges will be judged measure for measure")

His next to last whine, and about the 14th on the same topic, was to do with the way naturalist science (especially physics) destroys the basis for a fictitious cosmic origin based on an "intelligent designer". Rather than deal with this on an adult level, using data and logic, he whines and exercises bombastic rhetoric and caricatures - to try to compensate for his enormous lack of scientific knowledge.

To give him a chance to redeem himself, I put up a test on statistical mechanics, dealing with issues of order and disorder, and challenged him to "put up or shut up". Of course, like the ingrate punk he is, he punked out and has refused to even attempt it. But what's new? He merely repeats the same thing as he did before with his refusal to take a basic test on evolution.

Then today, his latest whine is pissing and moaning on my blog content, that I'm not "thankful" enough (I am!) spend too much time on the 'negatives" and so on. Of course, this is all strawmen personified. My blog content is tied ineluctably to current events in the news and expatiating on them. If Mr. Objector doesn't like that content then he has two choices: 1) don't fucking come here and read it, or 2) complain to the sources (e.g. Financial Times) on reporting negative stories!

His other hilarious whine today was at my having a "bigger nest egg" than he does! Well boo hoo! If you'd not gone to MS and gambled all yours away, you'd likely be sitting prettier too! As for his rant that I "never held a real man's job" - well no, guess not, if that meant hassling poor black folks and beating on them in South Bay, FL!

Here's a clue, Pastor Porky: Spend more time helping others than bitching about them, and you might be sane enough to escape becoming a total dick like Terry Jones. Or not!

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