Monday, October 28, 2024

UFOs An Elaborate Ruse For Chinese Spy Balloons - And Framing Donnie Dotard As The Dupe - Not So Fast, Holman


Again, with Holman Jenkins Jr's most recent UFO disinfo piece ('Trump and the UFO Smokescreen', WSJ, Oct. 19-20, p. A15), we behold the pathetic efforts of an exceptionally small mind at work to reach for utterly ridiculous nonsense to try to make specious arguments.  In this case to invoke Chinese spy ballons to try to deny the obvious: actual craft from another world having their way in our airspace.  But in Holman's febrile brain this is all "a UFO snow job", writing: 

"Are we ready to admit the great UFO fluffball of 2017 was a smokescreen, exploiting a known susceptibility of the U.S. public to conceal rampant Chinese violations of U.S. airspace?  The game should have been up after last year's spy balloon fiasco, never mind this week's eye-popping Journal account of Chinese drones spying on U.S. military bases near Norfolk, VA."  

So this overpaid twit actually believes that the UAP reported by U.S. Navy pilots, e.g. 

Watch USS Nimitz ‘Tic Tac’ UFO: Declassified Video Clip | HISTORY Channel

are Chinese spy balloons or spy drones, and the Pentagon is trying to use fake UFO 'fluff' as a smokescreen to cover it up. How many ways can one put this as dumb even below Trump's mental capacity? Newsflash, Bozo, Chinese spy balloons (and drones) don't move at 7,000 mph.  Nor do they demonstrate the performance traits described by the Nimitz pilots in their 60 Minutes interview from 2019:

Navy pilots describe encounters with UFOs - YouTube

Indeed, the craft self-evident in the Nimitz pilots' video clearly shows we are in roughly the same position as primitive Neanderthals from 50,000 years ago trying to make sense of a 21st century craft that somehow found its way back in time.  Think of a Neanderthal trying to make sense of an F -117 Nighthawk aircraft.

 And you get the idea.   From the Neanderthal's rock- club- knife level of technology the Nighthawk screeching overhead would likely give him a heart seizure.   There is simply no way his crude 'technology' would allow him to comprehend - even in the most rudimentary way- the technology behind the Nighthawk.  The same analogy applies to us "modern humans" trying to make sense of the craft embodying UAP technology. 

Again, Jenkins Jr's  thinking is too pedestrian  (as well as duplicitous) and points to a failure of honest description-  as well as disdain for abstract reasoning. I suspect, as I've written earlier, that no amount of "more rigorous analysis" will reveal the UAP nature or underlying breakthrough technologies because it takes a more advanced technology to adequately analyze a given breakthrough  technology - as demonstrated by the UAP.  But Jenkins Jr. ignores this in favor of confecting yet more spurious ideations that the national security state is trying to trip (or trick) Trump.

Nor has Jenkins Jr. attempted to hide his fixation that UFO-UAP reports were really a ruse since a 2023 WSJ piece where he wrote:

For those who couldn’t figure out why I devoted four columns to the Pentagon UFO debate, this is why. It became clear that, whether from serendipity or design, national security agencies were using UFOs to hide something they didn’t want us to see. That something, it has slowly dribbled out since last May, was Chinese surveillance in U.S. airspace. 

What Jenkins Jr. deliberately refuses to get - likely never will because of an underwhelming IQ --  is that the military and media deflection pranks are all about the loss of  state “sovereignty” - so must be rationalized away.  In other words, it's not a case of something unreal (UAP- actual alien craft) being used to disguise a foreign spy craft invasion of our airspace, but rather the exact inverse: desperate prosaic "explanations" (ordinary drones, weather balloons, 'airborne clutter' etc.) being used to deter actual investigation of alien craft.  

In other words, classic diversionary psyops, such as the CIA employed in the JFK assassination to use "sheep dipping" to frame Lee Harvey Oswald as the assassin.  See e.g.

Frequently Asked Questions On the JFK Assassination (2): Oswald's Sheep-Dipping

but for which Holman is an obvious victim, writing in his WSJ screed:

"The unquenchable desire for Kennedy conspiracy theories arises partly from the continued classification of documents likely testifying to nothing but the intelligence community's embarrassment at failing to wrap up a conspicuous and known threat in Lee Harvey Oswald before the president's visit to Dallas."

 Oblivious to the fact all the salient files pertaining to the assassination have been released, see e.g.

Those include the fact that Lee tried to warn of the existing CIA plot to take out JFK in Dallas by using a November 17, 1963 telex to FBI offices. (This was after an initial plot using a patsy named Thomas Arthur Vallee failed in Chicago.) 

In his book, Information Warfare, author Winn Schwartau described psy-ops as the tactic whereby "false information or misinformation is sown pertaining to a real event in order to deflect attention from it and at the same time destroy or compromise the reputations of any who reported the facts."

This is precisely what the agency did to sidetrack any serious conspiracy investigations in 1963-64 and what is being done now to dismiss the UAP craft as simply drones, balloons or "airborne clutter." And where Holman Jenkins Jr. has a role as a "useful idiot".

 The question of current humans (as less advanced) being confronted by an "unfathomable" technology is not preposterous. Go back to my example (in earlier related posts, e.g. Oct. 29 last year) wherein I've cited the futility of explanation -  for what the Nimitz pilots recorded- and the attendant implication of human inferiority.  This lack of explanation offends our egos and so - like Holman in his haste   - we too often dismiss the phenomenon as real.   This goes back to the tendency -  by government sources, as well as the military and the media - to reject the UFO as real - because it comes up against the human concept of state sovereignty.  This is based on a ground-breaking 2008 paper appearing in the journal Political Theory:

Sovereignty and the UFO - Alexander Wendt, Raymond Duvall, 2008

 Therein Wendt and Duvall note the phenomenon of the UFO tends to be rejected as a worthy subject for investigation because the human obsession with sovereignty trumps common sense, open inquiry and hence good science.  The basic  takeaway: Humans, particularly in the top echelons of government and academia can't handle the possibility of subordination of intellect to any kind of exterior (to Earth) civilization.  Hence they adopt the trope: "They can't exist therefore they don't."  This   "UFO taboo" has come to mean the aversion to scientifically studying this phenomenon because it risks larger societal derision and even ostracism.

Still, portions of Jenkins' latest twaddle give away the game, i.e. that his balderdash about Chinese balloons, drones and fake UAP, UFOs is really about trying to bail out Trump. What else can one think on reading:

 "It seems possible now that the UFO snow job was partly aimed at one person, the then commander-in-chief Donald Trump, to keep a president deeply distrusted by our national security establishment in the dark about that establishment's failure to control the national airspace. I will come back to this - the unfailing power of the UFO subject to distract."

So the imbecile's whole bundle of bafflegab is a sorry effort to show the "national security establishment" is employing an elaborate Macguffin to bring down poor Trump.  (As if the orange pestilence needed such especially after last night's Madison Square Garden spectacle of misogyny, racism and psychosis.)

Indeed, at the end of Holman's WSJ screed (as promised) he comes back to his central theme, with assorted yelps about "the government's own penchant for disinformation" (i.e. in the Russian "hoax" case as Holman has called it), e.g.

WSJ's Holman Jenkins Jr. Proves Again He's A Hack..

Confirmed when he adds in his current circuitous bunkum op-ed: 

 "Our press could rediscover the concepts of objectivity, truthfulness and intellectual courage that it consciously junked in the Trump era.."

I.e. the basis for Trump's two impeachments, as well as the Russian collusion with his campaign in 2016, and most recently the hush money NYC case which saw him convicted on 34 felony counts.

Holman, if he ever chose to be an honest broker of facts, would be better served by simply admitting that Trump is the most disreputable and despicable creature to ever ascend to the national political stage. And for any American that would actually cast a ballot for this POS says more about him-her than anything (or anyone) else.

See Also:




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