Friday, July 12, 2024

WSJ's Holman Jenkins Jr. Proves Again He's A Hack With "Clouseau Democrats" Nonsense


That The Wall Street Journal's resident op-ed guy -Holman Jenkins Jr. - is a clueless turkey has already been demonstrated on numerous occasions on Brane Space, e.g.

So no surprise in his latest dismal, half-baked effort ('Donald Trump and the Clouseau Democrats', WSJ, p. A 13, July 6-7) he hunkers down recycling the same claptrap from earlier columns. Proving again - in the words of one latter day wit: 

"There are no bores as unbearable as would be clever bores. Their swelled heads are examples of nature's frenzied efforts to fill vacuums. They not only encroach on your times, they trespass on eternity."

That's spot on, but still means twaddle such as emanates from the WSJ Troll stable cannot go unanswered, lest too many gullible folk succumb.  Let's start with the biggest canard and the one this tool has gone back to again and again reinforcing Hitler's maxim that "a lie repeated often enough becomes true".

That of Holman's 100-times recycled  "Russia hoax" babble,  writing:

"The most colossal miscalculation was Democrats doubling down on Russia collusion to explain away their defeat in 2016. ...That collusion hoax joined the list of things the mainstream press has to lie about in terms of the ever swelling ranks of Americans who believe Mr Trump can't be all bad if these are his enemies."

Spare me, you little buffoon. If any of that were true, how is it that the Trumpist DOJ imprisoned former AF officer Reality Winner in a federal slammer for 5+ years for leaking docs pertaining to Russian interference in the 2016 United States elections.

To clarify here, a justice dept. doesn't imprison people for material based on hoaxes. Or at least didn't until Trump took control of the DOJ after the Russkies helped him get in.  Still don't buy it? 

There were literal troves of material in Mueller's (2019) Report, e.g.

 Also in his indictments of 12 Russian (GRU) agents.

[Read the indictment here.]

Therein Mueller  documented over 272 direct contacts - including 40 in person meetings- between Trump campaign team members and Russian-linked individuals including GRU agents.  Further, at least 33 high -ranking campaign officials and Trump advisers were fully aware of contacts with Russia-linked operatives during the campaign and transition. This included Trump himself.  None of those contacts were reported to the proper authorities. Instead Trump's team tried to cover up every one of them with the ultimate coverup (and whitewash) arriving with Barr's destructive   four-page summary   of the Mueller report, essentially portraying it as an exoneration. 

Why does Holman soft soap  and ignore all this? It must be either because he doesn't want the facts to emerge about his pet autocrat, being a propagandist at heart, or he is also an admire of Hitler (and Goebbels) on the value of lies. Yes, he is correct, that the 2020 election was close - basically 44,000 votes in 3 states decided it - and Trump still lost the popular vote to Hillary by over a half million.  But the Russian interlopers only needed that many votes in battleground states to succeed in putting their Putin puppet into power,

                   Putin knew how to make Trump his puppet bitch

Hard to digest, I know, but true. Indeed, Holman in other columns bitched about Susan Rice (then Obama's national security adviser) "unmasking" a number of Trump's go-betweens such as Carter Page - since they met with GRU agents.  He seemed to have missed the notice that even a WSJ article at the time when the details emerged ('Unmasking Requests Released',  May 14, 2020, p. A3 ) pointedly observed:

Unmasking U.S. identities in intelligence reports occurs thousands of times annually, according to statistics maintained by the Office of the Director Of National Intelligence.

Rice herself, in an interview with Andrea Mitchell in 2020, noted that as Obama national security adviser she was authorized to do so given a compelling national security interest.  It would have been derelict for Rice (or the FBI) to ignore them given foreign intercepts of conversations already existed (in the UK, the Netherlands, Germany). Even Mike Morrell - former acting CIA director - pointed 0ut in respect to unmasking suspicious people (ibid.):

"You can't do your job without it."  

Let's also remind Holman that it wasn't Dems that instigated a "campaign against" Trump. It was none other than Paul Singer a conservative Republican donor and operator of The Washington Free Beacon who hired Fusion GPS in 2015. He did this to unearth damaging information on Donald Trump - whom he regarded as a classless lowlife-  also a danger to the nation if elected.  Singer was part of the old Republican order that respected norms and traditions. He and his pro-(Jeb) Bush group detested the fact that a no count Queens NY grifter and real estate con artist could possibly become president of the U.S.  

As Trump was in the process of clinching the GOP nomination Singer reluctantly told Fusion GPS to halt its research, also pressed by "little" Marco Rubio to do so. It was then picked up by Hillary Clinton’s campaign and the Democratic National Committee had begun paying Fusion GPS in April, 2016 for research that eventually became the basis for the Steele dossier.  Another entity Holman has tried relentlessly to disparage or dismiss.

Christopher Steele, as I've written before, was no clown or stooge or even a "spook" likely to be fooled as the WSJ  stable of asswits have claimed.  According to one Financial Times account Steele was the "UK intelligence expert on Russia".  It is, therefore, highly unlikely he'd be 'fooled" by any kind of false intel or disinformation as the WSJ trolls (including Holman Jenkins Jr.)  seem to believe.  James Nixey, the head of Chatham House's Russia and Eurasia program, informed the AP that sections of the dossier document created by Steele "read exactly as reports from the secret services".  

In regard to the infamous "pee tape" about which so much consternation erupted, I've already posted over 4 years ago I believe it exists as a form of kompromat.  It fits exactly what a former KGB spook like Putin would do, say to ensure compliance from an American traitor (see David Rothkopf's book 'Traitor'). It also fits Trump's character from what we already know about his vindictive rat nature. (In this case getting back at Obama by having two Russian whores pee on the bed he slept in while staying at Moscow's Ritz Carlton hotel). 

So contrary to Jenkins Jr's bollocks that the Dems  (more recently - since Biden's election) exhibited "self harm in pursuing partisan indictments in Democratic jurisdictions", the party was actually doing its constitutional duty to hold a craven traitor accountable for his acts. Such as inciting the January 6th insurrection that blooded a number of Capitol police and ended in the deaths of at least three people, e.g. 

  Where Was Security As Trump's Terror Apes Stormed The Capitol Yesterday? 

 One might be inclined to go easier on Jenkins Jr. but not when he scribbles agitprop like this: 

"A disturbing question should follow Americans into the voting booth this fall: Who poses a bigger risk to the Republic? Mr. Trump or a uniformly, monolithically lying establishment that allows itself, round after round, to be outsmarted by him?"  

This is a lamo question, of course, given Trump has been open about his plans to destroy the Republic and our democracy. That would be based upon  Project 2025 a fascist takeover scheme devised by the Heritage Foundation,

 But perhaps Holman never heard about it, or if he did, doesn't want his readers to know. And also believes firmly they - like most FOX News zombies - don't want to know. What would one expect of a pro-Traitor, Trump knob polisher WSJ Troll?

See Also:

by Bill Berkowitz | April 13, 2024 - 5:46am | permalink

That sound you are hearing from the lavish Washington, D.C. headquarters of the Heritage Foundation, is that of staffers polishing their jackboots for a much-anticipated January 20, 2025 return to Donald Trump’s White House. The Heritage Foundation, the Darth Vader of modern-day right-wing think tanks, has been all about gutting government positions, policies and services since its founding in 1973. Not since the early days of the Reagan administration has it been closer to achieving its goal.

To accomplish the final takedown of the administrative state, the Heritage Foundation has brought together more than 100 conservative tax-exempt organizations with an estimated $2 billion dollars in support of the election of Donald Trump and the perpetuation of MAGA agenda.

As Thomas Edsall recently reported in The New York Times, “Most of the work performed by these nonprofit groups is conducted behind closed doors. Unlike traditional political organizations, these groups do not disclose their donors and must reveal only minimal information on expenditures. In many cases, even this minimal information will not be available until after the 2024 election.



by Robert Becker | April 2, 2024 - 6:07am | permalink

The campaign tell: Trumpism wins only by warring against law and order to delegitimize courts

Grist for Trump’s bad faith mill. Giving the finger to judges and prosecutors, to justified convictions, and to "obstructive," suspect institutions, now defines the central Trumpist pitch. Everything is fodder for this hubris– what matters is manipulating his image flow to serve his perceived self-interest. For reasons certain to puzzle historians, the brashness of Trump’s vulgar, gross unfitness hardly impedes seeming forward motion (even if treading water).

Second only to the Big Lie contradiction, the gall of seeking the presidency, above all an executor of laws, statutes, court decisions and the Constitution, signals profound Trump unfitness. What sticks out, and what I consider to be his fatal campaign flaw, is a loudmouth mob boss running to control the rule of law, the only apparatus capable of stopping him cold if it ever adjudicates all his indictments.

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