Monday, July 22, 2024

It's Kamala's Time And She Has Multiple Advantages In This ReSet 2024 Campaign


Now that President Biden has endorsed his Vice -President Kamala Harris to run in his stead, the jig is up on Trump.  And despite the reactionary Right’s efforts to bury her, belittle her and dismiss her, there is already a memetic resurgence in social media (KHive) for Harris:

Buzz for Vice President Kamala Harris has grown on social media since President Biden’s debate stumble.

Recall Trump and his deformed cult of misfits wasted four days pounding Biden as the "worst president ever."   No consideration that the players may be flipped as they have, with Kamala Harris the top Dem for nominee to carry the party toward a Nov. 5th election win.  As I write this she has now accumulated $55 m in new donations since last night, 32 Dem Senate endorsements, 136 from the House and 10 governors.

I am confident, indeed, this mega 2024 reset will transpire in a huge victory on Nov. 5th, especially now that the 'age' script has been flipped and Trump is the senile old fart with dementia, e.g.

by Carl Gibson | July 21, 2024 - 6:13am | permalink

— from Carl Gibson

Usually, the quadrennial nominating conventions are opportunities for both major political parties to unite their base around their respective nominee ahead of the general election. But former President Donald Trump's speech at the Republican National Convention has one former Republican sounding the alarm about what he believes are significant cognitive issues plaguing the ex-president.

In his latest essay for the Atlantic, U.S. Naval War College professor emeritus Tom Nichols — who was a Republican until 2016 — voiced his concerns about the mental fortitude of the 45th president of the United States. He opined that Trump's rambling, 93-minute speech on Thursday night demonstrated what he believes is evidence of rapid, ongoing mental decline.

So no wonder he and the Reeps are in meltdown mode.  Their prime target has been removed from the scene and they are in a mess on how to proceed. Attack Kamala and lose even more of the women's vote?  Use transparent malarkey 'lawfare' tactics to try to challenge the switch? Or simply double down on their 'socialist' - 'fascist' theme despite most Americans are knowledgeable enough to know fascism is on the Right and Trump is endowed with it in spades. Especially his Project 2025 plan to torpedo our democracy.

So yeah, Trump and his MAGA minions are upset and howling like stuck pigs given Kamala injects the new, young blood (and brains) voters have been pining for since March last year.  In any debate also, Kamala will be perceived as having the vim and vigor while Dotard will be seen as the enfeebled geezer whose mind has gone astray.  In fact we are already aware of the multiple times his gray matter has misfired:

1)Last October, Trump warned his supporters that Biden will lead America into World War Two.

2)Trump has also claimed that whales are being killed by windmills.

3)He claimed that he won all 50 states in 2020 and that he defeated Barack Obama in 2016

4)Then in March we heard Trump babble:

They come out with faucets where no water comes out. You stand under a shower and you have to wait five times longer.

As Lawrence O'Donnell put it in a 'Last Word' segment, only a mentally unfit person would say such a thing.  After all WHO remains under a shower waiting when no water comes out?

All of this represents tons of fodder for Kamala to use in campaign ads or debates. Trump — believe it or not - actually has a family history of dementia (Alzheimer’s in his father, Fred)— and who’s increasingly inchoate.  But he manages to hide it by compensating with a loud and rapid cadence as he barks streams of lies.  This fooled enough voters into thinking he had the cognitive edge over Biden, but he won't have it over the 59-year-old Harris. 

It also triggers chuckles and hearty guffaws when I read patent codswallop like in today's Wall Street Journal ('Democrats Will Pay For Biden's Big Lie', p. A15) by a toad on toadstools named Michael Hennessy.  This imp actually writes - regarding Biden taking so long to finally leave the campaign: 

"All of it was baloney. All of it was a coverup. All of it was intentional. All of it. Democrats underestimate the price they will pay for lying this way."

Oh really, you sanctimonious little troll?  And what about the price Repukes will pay for covering up for a demented psychopath, 34-times convicted felon and adjudicated rapist, as well as traitor insurrectionist - pretending he is fit for the highest office?  Do you even believe or think if Reeps had pleaded with their orange maggot to leave he'd have done what Joe Biden did? Not a chance in hell. Because Biden had the welfare of the nation as his motive force, as opposed to the blind pursuit of power and ego like Trump.

 Not unrelated was a column ('Democrats Misled Their Voters', p. A 17) from the resident pro-Trump buffoon Barton Swaim, demanding that the Dems "grovel" in apologizing to Dean Phillips for setting him up to run in a primary he had no chance in. (Again, because the Ds "didn't come clean on Biden's condition" thereby "misleading" voters.) Sorry, Barton, but Dean Phillips chose to fight on that losing wicket all by his lonesome, no one forced him to. Besides, think of the name recognition he eked out given 99.99% of the country never heard of the guy before the primaries. Phillips ought to be thanking Biden and the Dems for letting him play! Instead he evidently barked to Swaim: "Suppressing the truth is a dangerous game".  Yeah, and how about Swaim suppressing the truth about the danger of Trump and his planned Project 2025?

Instead, the little roach claims "pretending Biden was fine was a far greater  danger to the country than feigning admiration for Trump" (As so many spineless Reepos have.)  And how does the twit justify this take? Well, because "everyone knew what the 45th president was like with his bluster and crude behavior."  Yeah, but few knew of the level of his dementia as I noted the points made earlier. And you think this guy is LESS dangerous, i.e. with potential access to the missile codes? You're a damned fool and a troll, as well as a roach.

Harris will also have a monumental advantage every time Trump attacks her, either for her race, ethnicity or gender. And each time he does so millions more women will process the putdowns - and recall the misogynistic venom he unleashed in his last term- joining the Kamala voters.  This  female advantage will also be amped up each time Kamala goes on the hustings and reminds women of how their reproductive rights and bodily autonomy were extirpated by the Trump Supreme Court.  And each time the knuckle dragger Reep VP  Vance goes on the trail demanding NO exceptions on abortion for rape or incest - or risks to the mother:

by Harvey Wasserman | July 19, 2024 - 5:35am | permalink

I expect so much infused campaign energy that by mid-October Kamala will have at least a 25-point advantage among women compared to Trump. And as historians Doris Kearns Goodwin and Jon Meacham put it this morning (Morning Joe) President Biden merits the thanks of every red-blooded American for his political self-sacrifice and putting his ego and pride second to the welfare of the nation.

Am I ecstatic Kamala Harris is the likely Dem nominee for President? You bet your sweet bippy!

See Also:

by Heather Digby Parton | July 23, 2024 - 6:41am | permalink

— from Salon

July 21, 2024, was one of those "where were you when you heard" days that people will remember for a long time to come. I was online that early Sunday afternoon and I saw the news that President Joe Biden was withdrawing from the presidential race come across my social media feed in real time. A friend texted me "You were right, it wasn't going to happen until the moment it happened." That's what I'd been saying for the past couple of weeks when people would get anxious whenever Biden would say that he was absolutely not dropping out. No candidate would ever say "well, I'm thinking of giving up." They're all in until they're not.

Since the night of the debate, I was fairly convinced that the Biden candidacy was over. I kept an open mind, thinking maybe he really was just under the weather that night but it had opened the floodgates of concerns that had been out there for a while. The presidency ages everyone who is in it, even the younger ones, and it has clearly taken a toll on Biden. I figured the polls would take a while to show a drop and it was obvious that the media's 24/7 crisis mode would almost certainly have an effect. Reports from behind the scenes this weekend say that Biden was shown polling while recovering from COVID in his Rehoboth, Delaware home that said he had no chance to win. That's when he finally pulled the plug.


by Joan McCarter | July 23, 2024 - 5:47am | permalink

— from Daily Kos

A long-time national champion of abortion rights is on her way to the top of the Democratic ticket. And Vice President Kamala Harris will kick Donald Trump’s ass on the issue.

Harris has been the abortion-rights lead in President Joe Biden’s administration, with a crystal clear message. Here she is at a rally in June:

I do believe when you know what you stand for, you know what to fight for. We stand for the freedom of every American, including the freedom of every person everywhere to make decisions—about their own body, their own health care and their own doctor. So we fight for reproductive rights and legislation that restores the protections of Roe v. Wade. And here’s the thing. The majority of Americans are with us, they agree.

Americans believe in freedom. And we will not allow you to destroy our most basic rights and principles.

Harris has been fighting for abortion rights—and against the anti-abortion extremists—for her whole career. As California’s attorney general, she championed legislation cracking down on crisis pregnancy centers, forcing them to disclose that they weren’t licensed medical providers and requiring them to inform clients how they could receive abortion care. (Unfortunately, the Supreme Court struck that law down in 2018.) Harris also joined with other blue-state attorneys general regularly to champion reproductive rights in the courts.

She kept at it when she went to the U.S. Senate, in 2019, sponsoring a bold abortion-rights bill modeled on the Voting Rights Act. The bill would have forced states trying to implement harsh abortion restrictions to present their new laws to the Department of Justice for preclearance—i.e., approval from the federal government—before they could be implemented.

Since the Trump-packed Supreme Court laid all those efforts to waste in 2022, ultimately ending the federal right to abortion, Harris became the leader in the fight to stop a national abortion ban and to help abortion-rights activists advance state-level protections.


by Alex Henderson | August 16, 2024 - 6:14am | permalink

— from Alternet

On Thursday, August 15, The Hill reported that a task force of Democratic organizers, strategists and leaders — including House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries (D-New York) and members of the Democratic Policy and Communications Committee (DPCC) and the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC) — is planning to ramp up attacks on Project 2025, the Heritage Foundation's controversial 922-page blueprint for a second Trump Administration. Democrats have been slamming Project 2025 with a vengeance, but according to The Hill's Mike Lillis, Democrats plan to become even more aggressive into their attacks.

Former President Donald Trump and his presidential running mate, Sen. JD Vance (R-Ohio), have been going out of their way to distance themselves from Project 2025 — which Trump obviously views as a liability for his 2024 presidential campaign. But an undercover video from the Centre for Climate Reporting in the U.K. illustrates Trump's connection to Project 2025 and its proposals.

In the video, far-right MAGA Republican Russell Vought — former director of the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) under Trump and one of Project 2025's main architects — openly discusses Project 2025 with people he thought were relatives of an affluent conservative donor. But they were actually activists for the Centre for Climate Reporting, a British journalism nonprofit.


by Robert Reich | July 22, 2024 - 6:31am | permalink

— from Robert Reich's Substack


Trump swiftly reacted to President Joe Biden’s withdrawal from the 2024 election, with typically nasty vitriol. Biden was “not fit to run,” “he wasn’t capable of being President,” “the Worst President, by far, in the History of our Nation,” who “just quit the race in COMPLETE DISGRACE!”

We all know that Trump projects himself onto his opponents. It is Trump who is not fit to run, isn’t capable of being president, is the worst president in the history of our nation, and is a complete disgrace.

No presidential candidate in American history has ever before rejected the outcome of an election on the basis of no evidence, or sought to strong-arm state officials to change voting counts, or orchestrated a violent attack on the U.S. capitol to overturn an election, or charged prosecutors, judges, and juries seeking to hold him accountable with acting at the behest of the president who replaced him.

No goal is more important than making sure Donald Trump never again comes close to the Oval Office.


Trump’s age and health under renewed scrutiny


by Amanda Marcotte | July 24, 2024 - 6:46am | permalink

— from Salon

It was mere moments after President Joe Biden announced he would not run for re-election when the new narrative of the 2024 election snapped into place: The prosecutor vs. the criminal. Vice President Kamala Harris got Biden's endorsement immediately and, despite all the wishcasting articles from political journalists longing for a dramatic Democratic convention fight, it appears the party is swiftly lining up behind the former senator from California. Her jobs before getting to Washington D.C., as a prosecutor, San Francisco district attorney and California state attorney general, drew the most attention. The hope is that Harris will dust off those prosecutorial skills to make the case that Donald Trump, with his 34 felony convictions and endless other court cases involving criminal behavior, is not fit to be president again.

Trump enjoys committing pretty much every type of crime, from siccing a murderous mob after his former vice president to epic levels of business fraud, so there's a cornucopia of options for Harris to choose from. But a Harris ad from the 2020 campaign went viral online for one simple reason: It forefronts his long history of sexually assaulting women.


by David Badash | July 24, 2024 - 6:34am | permalink

— from Alternet

Speaking before thousands of cheering and screaming supporters in must-win Wisconsin, Kamala Harris defined herself and her campaign for President in her first rally after President Joe Biden announced he would not continue his re-election campaign and endorsed his Vice President. Harris repeatedly used the term “people first,” a clear contrast to the MAGA Republican nominee’s “America First” rhetoric.

“Just look at how we are running our campaign. So Donald Trump is relying on support from billionaires and big corporations, and he is trading access in exchange for campaign contributions,” Harris said, eliciting boos from the crowd. “A couple of months ago, y’all saw that? A couple months ago at Mar-a-Lago, he literally promised big oil companies – big oil lobbyists – he would do their bidding for $1 billion in campaign donations.”


by Nancy Altman | July 25, 2024 - 5:34am | permalink

Joe Biden has been the best president for seniors in over half a century. Kamala Harris will be even better.

As president, Biden has been an unwavering protector of Social Security and Medicare. In his 2024 State of the Union Address, he made it crystal clear that he would shut down any Republican attempts to create a closed-door commission to cut Social Security and Medicare. Indeed, he promised, “If anyone here tries to cut Social Security or Medicare or raise the retirement age, I will stop them.”

Harris will be as fierce a defender, and she will do more. She will expand Social Security and Medicare and ensure that all benefits will continue to be paid in full and on time for the foreseeable future by requiring billionaires to pay their fair share.


The remarkable contrast between Harris and Trump


by Joan McCarter | July 30, 2024 - 6:47am | permalink

— from Daily Kos

Hcontinued, “The enthusiasm is real. It's genuine and if they want to say it's manufactured, that's cool. [Republicans] should continue to kid themselves all the way for the next 100 days."

Democrats really are having fun at Republicans’ expense. Take this tweet from the DCCC: “100 F*CKED UP THINGS THAT HAVE HAPPENED IN HOUSE REPUBLICANS’ MAJORITY”

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