Friday, June 7, 2024

GOP Vows To "Get Retribution" On Democrats & Biden - For What? Making Trump Accountable?


 "Wahahhaahaa! You Dems gonna pay for convicting me daddy Donny!"
Some of GOP whiners calling for retribution on Dems
                       Xtian Nationalists give Trump their blessing in 2017

"One of the more unsettling things about our politics right now is the Republican Party’s increasingly open embrace of lawlessness. Even as they proclaim Trump’s innocence, Trump and his allies revel in the frisson of criminality."  - Michelle Goldberg, 'Trump's Mob Rule', NY Times today

Dirtbag traitor and serial rapist Donald Trump said Wednesday that seeking prosecutions of his political opponents would be “wrong” but that he also would have “every right” to do so if reelected, the latest way Trump has lashed out since a jury convicted him on 34 felony counts of falsifying business records in his New York hush money case last week.

In an interview with Fox News on Wednesday night, Trump buttlicker Sean Hannity asked the traitor about those (multiple GOP whiners, crybabies and blowhards – like J.D. Vance, Tim Scott, Marco Rubio et al)  who have suggested Trump would seek “retribution” through the criminal justice system if he returned to the White House.


“So number one, they’re wrong. It has to stop because otherwise we’re not going to have a country,

 Then baselessly accusing President Biden and his family of crimes.


“Look, when this election is over, based on what they’ve done, I would have every right to go after them. And it’s easy because it’s Joe Biden and you see all the criminality.”


What ‘criminality’ you fuckfaced cockroach? YOU are the criminal and convicted FELON! You are also the traitor after inciting insurrection on Jan. 6, 2021. And after raping E. Jean Carroll and god only knows how many other women. Biden has committed no crimes, zero, nada, only held you to account in his speeches.

Thus, in its response to the interview, Biden’s reelection campaign released a statement that suggested Trump had “clearly snapped” and asserted his candidacy was becoming more dangerous each day.

Well, newsflash it is!

As  Biden campaign spokesman Michael Tyler said:

“Tonight in prime time, America saw Donald Trump consumed by rage and visibly rattled following his felony conviction. Donald Trump is so consumed with personal grievance that he does not care who he hurts so long as Donald Trump benefits.”

Trump- incredibly is the presumptive Republican presidential nominee.  AKA 'Captain Bonespurs'  who dodged the draft selection of the late 60s by having his daddy write a letter claiming he had bone spurs. The same worm who during a WWI event at Aisne-Marne American Cemetery, near Paris, in 2018 refused to leave his hotel for fear of getting his hair wet. On the same trip spouting:

"Why should I go to that cemetery? It’s filled with losers.”

 In a separate conversation on the same trip, Trump referred to the more than 1,800 marines who lost their lives at Belleau Wood as “suckers” for getting killed.  See:

So little wonder this petulant orange pestilence continues to make everything in the country about him. Or rather the refusal of the few stalwarts left to pay obeisance to him and instead hold his miserable orange ass accountable for once. This is why the GOOPs are hysterical given their master has had to face at least one trial and possible prison sentence - all others blocked or delayed.

Thus he claims without evidence that his prosecutions are "politically motivated" and that his political rivals are behind them. In addition to the New York hush money case, Trump faces 54 criminal charges in three cases, two of which are related to his efforts to overturn the results of the 2020 presidential election.

Trump’s remarks Wednesday night were slightly less overt than those he gave in an interview with Newsmax that aired Tuesday, in which he openly mused about his political opponents — including his 2016 rival Hillary Clinton — facing prosecution. The orange fungal parasite told Newsmax:


Wouldn’t it be terrible to throw the president’s wife and the former secretary of state — think of it, the former secretary of state — but the president’s wife into jail?”


But they want to do it,” Trump said, appearing to refer to his opponents.


“So, you know, it’s a terrible, terrible path that they’re leading us to, and it’s very possible that it’s going to have to happen to them.”

No surprise this criminal imp has made payback for opponents central to his campaign, at one point declaring to a crowd: 

I am your retribution.”  

Retribution for what, you wimpering, whiny piece of snot?

And the scumball has promised to appoint a special prosecutor to "scrutinize" Biden and his family.

Trump’s Republican allies have also cracked, convulsed in hysterics and gone on the media warpath against Dems.  A number of clips of these whiny miscreants were shown on ALL In Wednesday night.  For example, Ohio Sen. J.D. Vance barking: 

"That is the only language these people understand. That if you do this - turn the American system of justice into Banana Republic garbage - there're gonna be consequences".

Huh?  The American system of justice was already turned into a partial Banana Republic during Trump's reign when he crashed every norm and law (including the Emoluments clause in the Constitution)  and his ding dong GOP thugs refused subpoena after subpoena - though finally the Steve Bannon has been brought to justice - facing prison time - for his dodging.

Now these same thugs want to go after the Dems for holding their traitor leader to account and at least making him face the consequences in one damned trial - tried by a jury of Trump's peers I might add- while the others have been blocked and delayed by his stooges. (Such as Aileen Cannon in Florida, in the documents case).

 Then there was the pesky Cuban imp Marco Rubio spitting out: 

"Our current president is a demented man propped up by wicked and deranged people willing to destroy our country to stay in power. It's time to fight 🔥 with 🔥!"

Wicked and deranged people?  You must be writing about the maggots...errr MAGAS, that set up scaffolds to hang Mike Pence on January 6, 2021. No?  Then you've been sucking too many MJ gummies and Cuban crack.

Then there is the "pledge" - compliments of ten other Reeptard traitors - breaking on social media and FOX to:

"block all Democratic legislation, funding and nominations in retaliation for the Trump conviction."

As if the Dems had secretly programmed or hypnotized all 12 members of the jury to hand down 34 straight 'guilty' verdicts. What planet are these goons living on? Or rather what insane asylum.

 No, you can't make this shit up. It's for real and shows the extent to which a bunch of balless Reep pearl clutchers are all set to sacrifice whatever integrity and spine remains to use all three branches of government to try to keep Trump free.  Oh, and exact revenge on anyone who remotely threatens the self-pitying, grievance filled turd who dinged fallen soldiers as "losers and suckers".  And who will no doubt chuckle to himself that any majority of dumb shit Americans who vote him back into power are also "losers and suckers". 

And let's not forget the pestilential social media yappers, one of whom  yelped Wednesday night (on Tim Castril's podcast):  

“Forget jail! These Dems should get the death penalty.  That's the punishment for treason in this country!"

Back up there, girly, and catch your breath. As Chris Hayes observed: 

"Such rabid rhetoric is beyond what any sane, civil society can sustain. If this was being said in another country imagine our reactions: 'Whoa! What is happening there and what can we expect?

 The blabbing little skank also doesn't grasp that the death penalty for treason applies to actual traitors. Like the sort that encourages an enemy state to attack one's allies.  Like Donald Trump did back in February, e.g.

Or doesn't your febrile brain remember that? If you don't know when and how actual treason applies then maybe you shouldn't be shooting your mouth off on podcasts.

Then there are the forlorn Trump apologists like Carroll Bogert in the WaPo yesterday  ('Don't Call Donald Trump A Felon') who scribbled:

"The new edition of the Associated Press’s influential stylebook, coincidentally released the day before Trump’s conviction, states clearly, “Do not use felon, convict, or ex-con as nouns.” Instead, the stylebook advises journalists “when possible, [to] use person-first language to describe someone who is incarcerated or someone in prison.” The stylebook included a criminal justice chapter for which the Marshall Project was consulted.

 Labels marginalize people. They turn a moving verb into a fixed noun. They dehumanize and subjugate. "

Oh please. Look, a guy who rapes women, brags about grabbing women's pussies, incites an insurrection, and steals top secret documents is definitely a fucking felon and I will call him that.  And as one WaPo commenter noted, Rump does not come from the margins of society. He is wealthy, powerful and was convicted of 34 felonies. Why should the media treat him with the same care it’s beginning to show toward other people convicted of felonies?

Other spot on WaPo comments also nail the gibberish put to us:

This article is nonsense. Another mommy who knows better telling us not to hurt feelings. "He's not crippled, he's disabled!" "She's not retarded, she's mentally challenged!" "No, no, she's developmentally challenged!" "Tommy's not slow, he's underachieving!" Sometimes the truth is hard, folks. Stop covering up reality with language butchering. Go sit in the corner clutching your participation trophy while the adults deal with real life.

Sorry, but if there is any reason to resurrect the word "felon" it is Trump's utter disregard for the norms of decent conduct. The only reason not to call him a felon is that the word is not strong enough to encompass his transcendent evil.

Listen to his stupid speeches. He fancies himself the next Al Capone. Call him a felon already. The shoe fits

Don't call Hitler a 'psychopathic, megalomaniac murderer'.
Instead, call him a 'intensely passionate man who was merely misunderstood and probably bullied as a child'.

Let's see if I get your logic. You're saying that calling Trump a felon somehow smears people who were actually convicted of felonies? I don't think most discriminating readers care much about a convicted criminal's background. Oh, the poor guy grew up in a broken home and sold heroin to make a living, but calling him a felon is a step too far? I don't give a hoot what the AP stylebook says, it's not holy writ. Trump is a felon, pure and simple, and your hand wringing about other people's societal status is not going to make me stop saying it.

Trump is a serial abuser of the court system. He litigates everything endlessly. The only reason this is his first conviction is that he has the means to escape justice. Imagine how much money he has spent over the decades paying lawyers to frustrate the system. He’s a felon. What would the average person be called if convicted of 34 felonies? It’s a legal term. Stop trying to normalize him. He gives no one a break. Why should we?


Exactly. He gives no one a break and isn't prepared to do so if he should get voted into power again. He's made that abundantly clear. In fact it was all spelled out by him in a recent TIME issue:

Therein he openly admitted his plans included:

-Carrying out a deportation operation designed to remove more than 11 million people from the country, 

- construction of migrant detention camps, deploying the U.S. military (in violation of Posse Comitatus) to herd immigrants into camps and have deployments at the border and inland.

- Allow red states (i.e. the former Confederacy) to monitor women's pregnancies (using GPS on cells) and prosecute those who violate abortion bans.

- Gut the U.S. civil service, fire all the current employees in agencies from Social Security to the EPA, VA, FDA and beyond  - and replace them with hacks or not at all.

-Deploy the National Guard to American cities as he sees fit, 

- Close the White House pandemic preparedness office and staff his Administration with acolytes who back his assertion the 2020 election was stolen. 

The closing of the pandemic preparedness office is especially ill-conceived and reckless given we may not be long for an avian flu pandemic. (Given at least one case with severe respiratory effects has already been identified in humans)  

Never mind. The bogus campaign to ding Biden for his mental acuity continues, as with this recent WSJ pig slop:

Behind closed doors Biden shows signs of slipping

Apparently forgetting their guy Trump was the guy:

-  Who when he was President he asked Mark Esper if the Chinese were using a “hurricane gun” to shoot hurricanes at the US and was it an act of war.

- told journalists to return their “Noble Prizes” because he was too stupid to know they are Nobel Prizes and that Journalists don’t get them.

 - He was so incensed he didn’t get a Nobel and Obama did that he put Nobel Prize images on his documents to pretend he did, only he put the wrong image of something else that resembled the Nobel Prize because he’s so stupid.

 - Once said he had a great conversation with the President of the Virgin Islands when he was the President of the Virgin Islands

And here’s the self-proclaimed “stable genius” on the topic of wind turbines, which he claims are driving whales crazy:

I never understood wind. I know windmills very much. ... Gases are spewing into the atmosphere. “

Biden slipping? Trump has already fallen through a rabbit hole of black hole dimensions.  Then there's Brit Bozo Russell Brand who said he: 

 "finds it difficult to understand why any freedom-loving American would choose to vote for President Biden over former President Trump in the upcoming election."

Here are a few clues, Bozo: I prefer a president who:

 a) doesn't incite insurrections to try to negate the votes of millions, 

b) doesn't threaten to sic Russians after our NATO allies

c) Doesn't refer to those who were killed in wars as "losers" and "suckers" 

As President Biden put it yesterday in his D-Day speech: 

"We will not surrender to bullies or bow down to dictators."

And that includes wannabe dictator and belching bully Dotard Dump. 

Before the Reepturds go off again on Joe Biden for "weaponizing" the DOJ on them they need to recall a little fact: 

After his election Biden had the power to replace all U.S. attorneys in the DOJ with his own, but didn't. One of these - from Delaware- was then the one who investigated his son, Hunter. If the GOOP claims were at all correct this never would have been allowed to happen. In addition, as Biden stated last night in an ABC interview with David Muir, even if his son is found guilty he does not intend to issue any pardon. Think Trump would do that?

See Also:

by Rebecca Gordon | June 13, 2024 - 6:04am | permalink

by Amanda Marcotte | June 5, 2024 - 7:35am | permalink

— from Salon

Many people mistake cynicism for savviness. So, of course, it took no time at all for some political pundits to rush forward to declare that Donald Trump's historic 34 felony convictions would somehow "help" him. Republicans rushed to beat their chests and made loud threats that Democrats will rue these convictions, even though it was 12 randomly selected jurors in Manhattan, and not the Democratic Party, that convicted Trump. He falsely claimed that his "poll numbers have gone up substantially" since the verdict. (So far, it hasn't moved the polls much, though it seems to have made some voters more hesitant to support Trump.) The campaign claimed a $53 million fundraising haul in the aftermath of the verdict, though this should be taken with a grain of salt, as they lie constantly. And, of course, Republicans ran towards every microphone is sight to feign outrage and declare that an upswell of once-skeptical Americans would now vote for Trump. Who knew there was a massive constituency of voters outraged that New York would enforce its laws against criminal conspiracies to defraud the public?

Alas, the GOP theatrics appear to have scared some folks.


by Thom Hartmann | June 7, 2024 - 7:05am | permalink

— from The Hartmann Report

As we remember and honor the sacrifice of American GIs who died at Normandy in the battle against fascism, it’s vital to realize that the struggle against that evil form of government is once again before us.

From November 2020 until last week we lived in the era of Trump Big Lie 1.0, his assertion that he’d won an election he actually lost by over 7 million votes. It was a bold, audacious move, something no American politician had ever had the fundamental lack of integrity, decency, or shame to try.

While some of the most spineless, craven, and sold-out Republicans were quick to take his side with Big Lie 1.0 (139 of them in the House of Representatives and eight in the Senate)—even in the face of his throwing a deadly mob against the U.S. Capitol that tried to hang his vice president and murder the speaker of the house—there were still some who held to principle and didn’t vote to overthrow the election.

Those Republicans are now mostly all gone, purged from the party or cowed into silence by fear of violence against their families or the end of their political careers.

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