Tuesday, August 8, 2023

Asking About The Need For A 2nd Grand Jury? Did Trump's Hand-picked FL Bimbo Judge Even Pass The Bar?

                            "Please tell me, sir, why is there another grand jury?"

"She's sort of kicking the can down the road for Trump. ...She has to have a bunch of excuses for little things so she can just keep kicking the can down the road. All she's done is to help the Trump people to postpone that case.  But let's remember the important case is the election interference trial which is in front of a competent judge who isn't playing games. So if she let's this one get kicked down the road in favor of the election interference case that's kind of okay with me." Cynthia Alksne, former federal prosecutor on All In last night.

 Please,  Mr. Special Counsel and Trump Prosecutors. Kindly tell me how there can be two grand juries going on at the same time.  What, please say, is the propriety of using an out-of-district grand jury at the same time I am presiding over mine here in the Sunshine State?  I really do wish to know this!

The response shall address the legal propriety of using an out-of-district grand jury proceeding to continue to investigate and/or to seek post-indictment hearings on matters pertinent to the instant indicted matter in this district.  That is all for now."

Dumb doesn't begin to describe this moron -  Aileen Cannon -  who again exposed her level of cluelessness to the whole nation yesterday by actually asking prosecutors to justify the use of two grand juries.  

'Two grand juries! How can that be, pray tell? Well, maybe if I'd passed the Bar exam the first twelve times I took it I'd know!'

  But don't fool yourself, as this Bimbo knows nothing. To quote one WaPo commenter: "She's proven she's dumb as dirt and now wants to add the 'Big Stall to the Big Lie."

But the commenter is mayhap unjustifiably cruel. I.e. in imputing a crass subtext to her dumb question, that it is merely a stalling tactic to provide a cheap excuse to her benefactor, Dotard Trump. To delay the hearing and trial in the Mar-a-Lago document case.  But I was trying to be more generous and avoid imputing such nefarious motives, just leaving it at her being unqualified, and dumb.  Still, former federal prosecutor Cynthia Alksne isn't having it. No mercy for the Trumper judge, asserting on All In last night"

"She has to have a bunch of excuses for little things so she can just keep kicking the can down the road. All she's done is to help the Trump people to postpone that case."  

But of course, one can be dumb and act to do her master Trump's bidding at the same time.  The confirmation of the first is using a ham-handed method to do the second - when everyone is already familiar with her nonsense tricks from last year - in making the absurd demand for a "special master", e.g.

Does DOJ Need To File Appeal To Halt "Special Master" Ruling From Trump Stooge? Yes! 

Anyway, former prosecutor Alksne (on All In) accused Cannon of "doing the work of Waltine “Walt” Nauta" in the latest iteration of the docs case. This was after Cannon, in a court filing Monday made her dumb query and told federal prosecutors to respond by Aug. 22.  Well, she must love ridicule as all the legal eagles will pile on like they did last year - comparing her rulings to the mental hatchings of a "One L" from Everglades College.

In this latest chapter, Trump and two aides — Nauta and Carlos De Oliveira — were charged in June in a 42-count indictment that accuses the orange traitor of improperly retaining 32 classified documents (including Iran war plans) at Mar-a-Lago,  and seeking to thwart government attempts to retrieve them.

As for Cannon, if she had an ounce of brains she'd already have read the words from the July 27 prosecutors' filing to do with the need for a separate grand jury:

“The grand jury in this district and a grand jury in the District of Columbia continued to investigate further obstructive activity, and a superseding indictment was returned on July 27, 2023,” 

First clue, Sherlock: It's a different case covering a different obstruction (and different district) i.e. where a different crime occurred, in this case in D.C. - related to Trump trying to reject votes in key states (using a false elector scheme) and topple our democracy.  Does this dope even grasp the meaning of a "superseding indictment"?  I doubt it.

Still, we must try to feel some sympathy for slow judicial, i.e. Densan pokes, whether they be Clarence Thomas or Aileen Cannon.  It must be a struggle to wake up each day and find they have to serve two masters: Donald Trump and their own brain neurons.

See Also:

by Amanda Marcotte | August 5, 2023 - 7:24am | permalink

— from Salon

Within the first 48 hours of Donald Trump's latest indictment, on federal charges related to his attempted coup after the 2020 election, the number of Republican excuses for his crimes rivaled the number of votes he demanded Georgia election officials fabricate to steal the election. (Which was 11,780, for those whose memory needs refreshing.) In the true spirit of competitive GOP hackery, each "defense" was dumber than the last.


Trump’s far-fetched defenses aren’t actually aimed at the courtroom


Fight over Trump Jan. 6 secrecy order marks start of race to trial

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