Thursday, January 30, 2020

Why Would Pro-Trump Evangelical Christians Send A Campaign Letter- And Survey - To An Atheist (Like Me)?

"The American Evangelical Church isn't so weak that it needs Trump's version of secular salvation...Yet the church is acting as if it needs Trump to protect it. That's not courageous. It's repulsive. And so long as this fear continues, expect the church's witness to degrade further. In seeking protection from its perceived enemies the church has lost its way" - David French, 'The Evangelical Republic Of Fear', TIME, July 8, p. 16)

 I've often wondered about events that seem contrary to reason and expectation, at least in my frame of political reference. For example, the NRA sending me a contest entry to win a gun collection sweepstakes, e.g.

Seriously? NRA Tries To Get Me To Join With Guns "...

But not even that compares with the recent campaign letter on the "2020 Project"  I received from evangelical extremist Ralph Reed, an introductory segment of which is shown below:

I remain unsure exactly why Reed believes I am an evangelical - but kind of relish the irony of him sending this campaign missive to an Atheist  - or a member of the "radical anti-Christian left" (in his misbegotten view).  Readers may recall that it was none other than Ralph Reed who admitted back in June, 2018 that he believed Trump  - the orange maggot traitor - to be some heaven- sent entity and also to have admitted seeing the irony in that, i.e.

"God must have quite a sense of humor to have brought evangelicals and Donald Trump together. Sometimes the most unlikely people become our staunchest defenders and he certainly has!" - Ralph Reed, quoted in a June, 2018 article in the NY Times.

We now know Reed  and others of his ilk (e.g. Tony Perkins) are among Trump’s staunchest defenders. They are uniquely brazen to the extent they can justify any means to favored ends. The Pussy Grabber's evangelical Christian supporters, for example, are willing not merely to excuse Trump’s adultery and deceit but also to embrace them. The more vulgar he is, the more he fulfills his supposedly divine mission.  I mean you have dozens of weaklings giving him "mulligans" in golf, but  the sheer scale of this  evangelical adulation boggles the min.

Think about it!  To be awarded honors and obeisance  in spades for serial morality transgressions-  and by a bunch who profess to be holier than any other sect in the US of A.  They "believe on the Lord Jesus Christ", but don't you dare say a word against the pussy- grabbin' Dotard!

Some may question whether these miscreants like Ralph Reed are as 'all in' with Trump as they appear. But one need only scan some of the vicious reaction to  the Christianity Today  anti-Trump editorial to behold the proof. That hyper -psychotic assault demonstrates  that  any break with this partisan alignment will be instantly denounced as heresy. 

Worse, one only read some of the letters from evangelicals in the mainstream corporate press to see the extent of their brain-jacking.  For example this bit from a William A. Hoppel (WSJ, Jan. 15, p. A16), referencing why evangelicals are totally committed to Trump:

"Evangelicals dislike his brash behavior but are equally turned off by the hatred the left has for him and its ridicule of evangelicals' concerns and beliefs.  We have doubts about President Trump's Christianity, but that judgment belongs to the Lord." 


"Christianity Today erred, not in pointing out President Trump's unchristian behavior, but in calling for his removal from office which might well be construed as questioning God's providence."

Seriously?   Questioning God's providence? So when we call for the removal from office of a self-proclaimed pussy grabber, grifter, traitor and shakedown artist we are calling into question the divine will?   No, folks, you cannot make this stuff up. You saw the "argument" here first.

Another cretin (Thomas Bell) in the same letters section of the op-ed for the date actually claims that we secular Americans "seem to long for a humanist version of a theocracy that replaces God with the a flawless leader."

Actually, mate, we'd just settle for a President who commands a degree of respect, doesn't tweet putdowns at fellow citizens 5 hours a day, refuses to collaborate with hostile foreign powers, doesn't betray his oath of office with bribery- extortion and doesn't grab pussies!  "Theocracy"?  No way! Just a regular, normal but respectful American president who does his damned job while commanding the respect of other nations and our own citizens.

But the above merely shows the extent of rationalization that the typical evangelicals (Ok, at least the ones willing to commit to paper) will go to defend and enable Trump.

Thus a bozo like Ralph Reed can afford the luxury of being confident his flock will largely fall in line- no matter how many crimes Trump commits. Reed's letter, as odious as it may be, nonetheless reveals the plan of attack for this segment of the Trumpist army. That is, their intent to "register 5 million new Christian voters in battleground states in 2020."  Ok, they misfired on me, so now they are aspiring to register successfully 4,999,999.  That still may be enough to hand the Electoral College to Dotard again, despite any Dem candidate winning the popular vote.  This means we have to get out every last voter on our side we can.

Indeed, on page 3 of his missive Reed brags:

"The reason the polls keep getting it wrong is the pollsters are not picking up on what 'FAITH & FREEDOM' is doing all year long under the radar with our 'ground game'".

Then asserting their strategy is double everything they did in 2016 - i.e. "double their 12,000 field staff, double their volunteers who "knocked on 1,256,778  doors"

In his letter Reed also identified the "16 key states" that will be targeted: Florida, Ohio, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, North Carolina, Georgia, Texas, Iowa, Arizona, New Mexico, Colorado, Virginia, New Hampshire, Minnesota and Nevada.

For all our sake, the Democrats had better have their own  ground games geared up for all these states -  where I imagine this election will either be won or lost. Whether we still have a Republic in January 2021 or an authoritarian Theocracy.

See also:

by David Cattanach | January 30, 2020 - 6:57am |


by Jaime O'Neill | January 20, 2020 - 7:35am | permalink


Dear Jesus,

It might seem strange for you to be getting a short note from a guy who thinks you must have been a pretty good dude, but who doesn't believe that you were divine. Given that, this is just another desperate human being crazy enough to write letters to dead people. But Jesus, if you're listening, you've got to do something about these people who are taking you name in vain, profaning it more blasphemously than has heretofore seemed quite possible.

For instance, a lot of people who claim to be believers in you are now under the impression that Donald Trump is Jesus 2.0 in spite of the fact that the man doesn't seem at all like you, not in style, nor in substance. Maybe they think you were a failed prototype and that your all-knowing and all-powerful celestial dad just screwed up last time, and that Trump is the result of what the Big Guy in the Sky learned from his mistakes with you.

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