Monday, August 27, 2018

Kim Strassel's Continued Humping Of Clinton Conspiracy Ideations Shows She's Gone 'Round the Bend'

 Image result for brane space, Kimberley Strassel,

With Robert Mueller's investigation rapidly tightening  the noose around Trump's
 fat neck it's understandable the traitor's boot and ass lickers would do everything in their power to provide him specious cover,  especially in the co-opted, i.e. Trump- tainted,  media. That media that gushes fake facts and distortions to prop up Doh-turd as easily as its denizens breathe.  That includes the likes of Sean Hannity, Jeanine Pirro, Tucker Carlson et al at FOX News, but also the resident Clinton conspiracists at the WSJ, especially Kimberley Strassel (above left) and Holman Jenkins.

But as goofy as he was, Jenkins at least appears to have moved on to other subjects like trade, tariffs, and Elon Musk (Tesla).  Not so with Kimberley Strassel. She keeps relentlessly pounding the drum for a hidden Clinton conspiracy like a brain- jacked refugee from 4chan, or an op-ed columnist who's exhausted her store of significant topics.  

This came to the fore again in her latest effort ('When Justice Is Only Partial', WSJ, Aug. 24, p. A13) in which she fulminates that:

"The country has watched the FBI treat one presidential campaign with kid gloves, the other with informants, warrants and eavesdropping"

Earlier insisting Americans are "furious that Lady Justice seems to have it in for only one side"   adding:

"And they are now witnessing unequal treatment in special counsel Robert Mueller's probe."

Please, Kim, you need to lay off the MJ candy and wine, or maybe at least the wine. It's clear you're so brain-addled now you couldn't write beyond your pet conspiracy obsession if you tried.  What we really need is for this mistress of misinformation to chill out, take a deep breath and look at the facts, at reality and then ask herself: 'Why is it that only one campaign is under the microscope?'

Let's begin by noting the Manafort jury found for 8 charges against this former Trump campaign chairman lowlife, including filing a false tax return in each of the years from 2010 through 2014  as well as two counts of bank fraud. The jury was deadlocked on the other ten counts, likely because one female member held out after watching a Trump "witch hunt" tweet on FOX News.  An even more impactful trial is coming up for Manafort on charges more directly linked to the Russian conspiracy case.

Then there were  the  8 charges on Michael Cohen, revealing a blatant effort by Trump to conceal his unsavory liaisons with a porn star and former Playboy model.  Cohen confirmed he was "directed" by Trump (ID'd as "individual-1") to hide those revelations which likely would have cost him the needed electoral votes to snatch victory from the jaws of certain defeat. In the charging documents filed last Tuesday Cohen claimed Trump directed him to make payments that violated campaign finance laws in an effort to stop Stormy Daniels, the pornographic film actress, and Karen McDougal, a former Playboy model, from going public about alleged extramarital affairs.

Ultimately, this is where Trump... our dear traitor...errr leader, faces gravest peril in that under federal law hush money payments made before an election are considered in-kind contributions to a campaign  and must be  disclosed. This is irrespective of whether the money came from the candidate's own paws or his campaign's. Conspiring to generate such a contribution in excess of $25,000 is an indictable offense and a felony.  While it is claimed "sitting presidents cannot be indicted" this is purely under DOJ current policy - not law. Bear that in mind as this whole sordid tableaux unfolds, and also the primary reason Trump would have used this ploy: to illegitimately snatch an election!

  Kim also appears to forget that it was her master Trump who - on July 26, 2016-  openly implored the Russians to hack Hillary's emails. In other words, openly pandering for the commission of the crime that occurred one day later.  In front of millions, the Orange Turd had baldly blurted:

"I will tell you this, Russia if you're listening, I hope that you're able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing. You will probably be rewarded mightily by our press. Let's see if that happens."

So Trump, in full public view, asked Russia to hack his political opponent.  Did this just come out of the blue as a brain fart blurt? Not at all, given we know Russia has been funding Trump since the late 1980s. Does Kim know any of that? Evidently not.  As per The New Republic (Aug./Sept. 2017, . p. 29):

"A review of the public record reveals a clear and disturbing pattern: Trump owes much of his business success, and by extension his presidency, to a flow of highly suspicious money from Russia. Over the past three decades, at least 13 people with known or alleged links to Russian mobsters or oligarchs have owned, lived in, or even run criminal activities out of Trump Tower and other Trump properties. Many used his apartments and casinos to launder untold millions in dirty money .....Taken together, the flow of money from Russia provided Trump with a crucial infusion of financing that helped rescue his empire from ruin, burnish his image, and launch his career in television and politics....It's entirely possible that Trump was never more than a convenient patsy for Russian oligarchs and mobsters."

Dotard also boasted:   “I love WikiLeaks” and mentioned its revelations 164 times in the last month of the campaign. “This WikiLeaks stuff is unbelievable,Trump said on Oct. 12. Eight days later, he marveled, “Boy, that WikiLeaks has done a job on her, hasn’t it?"

And Kim has the absolute chutzpah, the sheer nerve,  to question why it's "all on one side".  Jeezus, talk about being divorced from reality!  Another hobby horse of hers has been to try to implicate the Clinton campaign with "illegal" use of Fusion GPS to rain on Trump's parade and justify surveillance. Not in the least aware of several things:

1)  The hysteria about the Fusion GPS oppo research was exposed once it was learned the original firm that hired them was The Washington Free Beacon, a conservative news site. The relevant  WSJ editorial at the time noted it was funded by big GOP donor Paul Singer.  Singer wanted oppo research done on a two bit Queens' chiseler he didn't trust. Singer and a group of old guard GOP donors hired Fusion GPS to do the job of digging up dirt on the Queens' grifter. Subsequently, after Trump won the Repub primary the material was handed off to the Clinton campaign. This was NOT unlawful as Strassel tries to portray - unlike her master who  (along with Don Jr., Manafort, Kushner etc.)  engaged Russian assets (e.g. Natalia Veselnitskaya)  to help him with oppo dirt  on Clinton. 

2) Foreign intercepts of meetings of Trump cronies, e.g. Carter Page, with Russian  (GRU) agents meant that the U.S. had to enter the picture with its own FISA warrants, surveillance, etc. Not to do so would have violated agreements with foreign intel sources, assets. 

3)Strassel's other favorite target has been Christopher Steele, about whom I've written before. He  is no clown or stooge or  likely to be "fooled"  as Kimberly Strassel claimed in an earlier hit job (WSJ, 'The Fusion Collusion').  According to one Financial Times account (Feb. 16) , Steele was the "UK intelligence expert on Russia".  It is, therefore, highly unlikely he'd be "fooled" by any kind of false intel or disinformation as Strassel seems to believe.  James Nixey, the head of Chatham House's Russia and Eurasia program, informed the AP that sections of the dossier document created by Steele "read exactly as reports from the secret services".

The point is there was not a damned thing sinister or wrong about Hillary's campaign hiring Fusion GPS or Fusion recruiting Chris Steele to dig up material on a lowlife vermin who would soon control the nuclear codes - IF he became president.  

Why worry? After Trump's siding with Putin over the U.S.  in Helsinki, e.g.  "I think I have a very good relationship with President Putin.  I think we're being hurt very badly by this witch hunt, I would call it the rigged witch hunt. You know,  in the United States we have this pure stupidity but it makes it very hard to do something with Russia"

 The little degenerate even offered to dispatch American citizens to be interrogated by the KGB! Strassel ought to be worried, and to recognize the wrong person won the 2016 election.

According to Robert Mueller's latest indictment:

"On or about July 27, 2016, the conspirators attempted after hours to spearphish for the first time email accounts on a domain hosted by a third party provider and used by Clinton's personal office. They also targeted seventy-six email addresses at the domain for the Clinton campaign. '

Most interesting, this happened on the
very same day Traitor Trump appeared in front of the media cameras and pleaded with Russia to hack Hillary's emails. 
And after all, Hillary lost thanks to Trump's conspiracy with the Russians to leverage him into power. So who is really the victim here, Kim?  And who, pray tell, did the FBI Director Comey open up on 11 days before the freaking election? A Russian pawn leveraged into high office with the assistance of mobster cronies and foreign agents who hacked and lied (using bots on social media sites) or a woman whose campaign site was hacked by the same vermin? After Trump begged them to do so?  All this is why Ms. Strassel's plaintive whine of "Where is Mr.Mueller's case against Hillary for America?" rings hollow.  There is no case, Kim, because there's no "there" there.

FBI agent Cliff Watts has observed: 

“Without the Russian influence effort, I believe Trump would not have even been within striking distance of Clinton on Election Day.” 

That is the inconvenient truth the Trump lapdogs and conspiracy addled media stooges like Kimberley  Strassel  won’t admit.  But maybe in time we can at least get her to concede the "lady justice" effort now focused on Trump, his nefarious Russkie associates and campaign is not "one sided justice."  Yuh think?

 See also:

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