Sunday, April 3, 2011

Should Terry Jones be Hung as a Traitor?

It is now becoming ever clearer, as the death toll rises in Afghanistan, that Terry Jones' insane stunt of burning the Qu'uran has put THOUSANDS of U.S. troops at risk of mayhem and the compromise of their planned Spring offensive. This means U.S. lives will be at risk, all because of one ego-besotted lunatic who entertains grandiose notions of being a legend in his own febrile mind. This brings up the question of whether the guy ought to be brought to trial for treason, and hung as a filthy traitor. In truth, he is no better than the misfit John Walker Lind who took up arms against his country and fought in Afghanistan.

Jones has done worse, MUCH worse, by pulling one single incendiary stunt that has destabilized the entire U.S. -Nato effort and put thousands of soldiers in the cross hairs of energized fanatics, which wouldn't have occurred had he not allowed his insane ego to get the better of him. So the question is, what is the proper recourse, when he KNEW - HAD to know- what would transpire if he did it (even inside his own 'church' - which is really leased property from the city, not his own - when he had to know someone might viddy it for the world to see.)

Afghan leader Hahmid Karzai wants Jones brought before a court and tried for his irresponsible act, and at least given prison time. But many believe, given what's at stake in the coming Spring offensive and how Jones has put its success at risk, it goes far beyond that.

I inquired of a family relative (wife's side)and former Army Captain during the Vietnam War about this issue and he didn't hesitate to offer an opinion on it:

"He ought to damned well be tried for treason!" he replied.

As for the punishment: hanging, or "firing squad if a good strong noose isn't available."

He went on to explain:

"What this kook did would be no different from a guy in 'Nam consorting with the enemy or, if you will, doing something to incentivize them to launch even more aggressive attacks than they originally planned. For example, burning a thousand hooches and killing all the villagers in one known Cong area, causing them to launch a massive attack that kills dozens of soldiers."

I then asked him about Lt. William Calley who pretty well damned near did just that by having his men wipe out the village of My Lai, including women and babies, probably losing the hearts and minds of the Vietnamese permanently.

"Ditto with Calley! He ought to have been court-martialed, then hung right there!"

He went on to say:

"What Jones did is in many ways worse, because he knew that things are very dicey in Afghanistan and can slide one way or the other. He also likely knew a Spring offensive was planned, so his timing couldn't be worse than if he told the Taliban where our troops will be and to fire on them."

Of course, there will be all brands of "Christians" that will defend Jones, based on "free speech" or some other rationalization. But even free speech ends when one yells 'Fire!' in a crowded theater and the ensuing stampede kills dozens. In this way, Jones is absolutely no different from that Fire-yeller and merits the same fate, but in this case - because of military jeaopardy and repercussions- being tried as a frickin' traitor!

In effect, the best way to salvage the coming Afghan offensive for the U.S. and Nato would be for those thousands of Afghan Muslims to see Jones swinging from a gallows at Leavenworth, or before a firing squad. Then they'd understand that there are consequences for insane actions, and no exceptions - even for nutty, screwball "preachers".

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