Sunday, February 27, 2011

Why the Oligarchs are Howling with Laughter

The nation's oligarch's are rolling on the floor laughing, as the media circus continues around the Wisconsin debacle with that state's governor determined to go the way of Indiana. That means gutting all significant public union bargaining power, paving the way for massive, entrenched corporate serfdom. Meanwhile, the Poppinjay rich raconteurs continue laughing as they enjoy billions of bailout money, plus a new round of tax cuts to keep those Peugots and diamonds coming. While their Tea Party useful idiots protest the Public Union workers!

Actually, the Oligarchs have many more laughs to look forward to, all at the expense of 90% of the population which, because of the ill-considered alignment of politics and economics, stands to decimate their last opposition. Consider:

1) Tyrant Scott Walker, Gubernator of Wisconsin, basically holds all the cards in the showdown with public unions over their collective bargaining rights. As we know from the experience of the Texas Dems a few years ago (who stayed away to prevent re-apportioning of seats, better known as Republican Gerrymandering) the missing Wisconsin senate Dems will eventually have to return and provide the quorum to complete the massacre of union bargaining rights. Thus paving the way for Wisconsin's workers to end up like Indiana's where they haven't had a raise in nearly five years and are living close to the edge since their jobs can be privatized at any time.

2) The looming Federal Budget standoff, if it devolves into a shutdown by March 4, will exact even worse damage on state's finances likely forcing even more massive and draconian measures. And you can bet your sweet bippy the Oligarchs are cheering with their Tea Party idiots for such a shutdown, thanks to Boehner and company.

3) Military spending, which according to The Economist ('The Latest Cop Out', Feb. 19th, p. 14) is "equivalent to the next 20 nations combined" will continue to ramp up as Petraeus and his militiary buffoons continue to demand more and more $$$ to conduct the Afghan adventure, including Psy ops tricks on the populace. The Oligarchs have to especially be loving this ongoing farce of nation building, since they know the longer it continues and sucks up precious tax money for domestic needs, the more entrenched their oligarchy will be.

4) Republican gubernators, determined to continue spending cuts will drive economic growth lower since the demand side is still weak. Thus, not only will their union-busting tactics demolish one plank of Democratic support for next year's elections, but the possible worsening of the economy because of weakened demand may even force Obama and the Senate Dems to capitulate and offer massive "entitlement" cuts to appease the TeePees. The Oligarchs will be licking their chops in anticipation, especially the Koch Brothers.

5) Obama's $3.73 trillion budget assumes the deficit can be cut from 11% of GDP to 3.1% by 2021, but a large basis for this assumption is predicated on his ability to increase taxes on the rich in 2012 (by finally rescinding the Bush tax cuts and extensions). As The Economist observes (ibid.), if he "couldn't do this last year when his party still controlled the House of Representatives, now he will have to deal with the Republicans who are opposed to it". Not only that, but their opposition will be exponentiated in an election all the R-forces converge and accuse the Prez of planning to "raise people's taxes and destroy jobs". Will Obama tough it out? Look at last December's performance and you tell me. The Oligarch's are already making their bets in the Vegas casinos that take them! They are counting on those bets delivering as well or better than Goldman Sachs' subprime credit default swaps.

6) Many Americans will continue to be influenced by the likes of FAUX News and Limbaugh to believe the public workers and unions are the problem, as opposed to the rich fatcats that grabbed most of the bailout money and continue to speculate with it, driving up Wall Street share prices to try to lure suckers in for the kill. (Like they have every Bull market). Will Americans stupidly fall again for the same ol', same ol' ? Look at past history, then you tell me.

The Oligarchs have every reason to believe that soon, very soon, the aware and politically alert Middle Class will be no more, gone the way of the Dodo. Once that political albatross is cut from around their neck, the only bunch left to deal with is the old farts (receiving Social Security) who, because of "entitlements" have the time to pursue political scrutiny and vote.

Watch out, because that group is next on the Oligarchs chopping block. See also:

And once they are gutted, as they will be, we will finally be the giant Third World Banana Republic of which the Oligarchs have always dreamed.

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