Tuesday, September 21, 2010

How Dumb is Dumb? Comparing Atheists to Pharaoh!

Image from a halfwit fundagelical's blog -comparing atheists to Pharaoh.

The turgid stupidity of fundies never ceases to amaze and astound. It's bad enough that they lack even basic reasoning power and logic (as demonstrated by one of them on a recent logic test I posted) but they continue to repeat the same exact gross errors of thought and logic even after being corrected umpteen times! Are they retarded, or just deliberately determined to be the biggest imbeciles on the planet come hell or high water?

A new tack on one eponymous fundie's blog is to compare atheists to the ancient Egyptian Pharaoh, described in Exodus, who kept the Hebrews in bondage! (See attached image from his blog) Has this lunatic lost all sense of proportion, all degrees of sanity? Or does he genuinely wish to be exposed as the colossal idiot and fool he's craving to emulate?

This moron writes:

"God had given Pharaoh numerous opportunities to repent and do what was right , but in his stubbornness , he , like the atheists , thought he was above God . Even after ten plagues that God put on Egypt - he STILL rebelled against God ! Can you spell S-T-U-P-I-D ! "

No, ahh... stupid is comparing a large group of current, rational American unbelievers (in your hard-hearted, vengeful and hateful god) to an ancient Egyptian sovereign who held tens of thousands of Hebrews in slavery. The fact that any person could do this at all is proof of: a) their need for instant seizure as a psychotic, and b) the need to strap them down 24/7 and administer thorazine with ECT every hour.

In other words, blockhead, there is NO comparison!

Do atheists think they are "above God"? No, why would they, if they see no evidence for any god, and certainly none that this loudmouthed, brash cretin has proffered? If we don't accept any evidence for a god then clearly and logically we'd no more think we were "above" this confection than we were above the Easter Bunny, the Tooth Fairy, or Santa Claus! But this is what passes for argument in dimwit fundie blogs these days.

But it's interesting that the chosen citation basis issues from Exodus - part of the Hebrew Old Testament - because this sheds light on the savage, dictatorial nature of the deity this fruitcake embraces. As Bart D. Ehrman observes (God's Problem : How the Bible Fails to answer Our Most Important Questions, p. 33), the Hebrew OT embodies the whole basis of a tyrant deity, always angry and "determined to see his people behave properly, and if they did not..he would punish them as he punished them before".

In other words, we have the deity as "Headmaster" of the cosmos! Dare to insult this looney tune and he will take you to his "woodshed" for six of the best, administered with whatever implement is around. He brooks no disobedience, no rudeness, no lip and by god...if he beholds you doing anything he doesn't fancy ...watch out! He'll collar you in a nanosecond and whup you! Dear readers, this is the god of a mental infant, a spiritual rugrat. He admits by his belief in such that he's unable to guide, direct or control his own life and hence he needs a big Headmaster or Daddy god to stand behind him ever at the ready with his whuppin' stick! Do we want such infants anywhere near political power? I think not! It's bad enough they have access to computers! (Which ought to be labeled dangerous instruments in their hands!)

And this is also what we expect of a petulant little imp who has an ego problem. As Ehrman goes on to note (ibid.):

"The God who destroyed the Egyptian armies when he delivered his people out of slavery would destroy them if they did not behave as his people"

Exactly! This sourpuss tyrant would have eliminated the Egyptians even if they had complied! He wouldn't have been satisfied until they'd converted into Jews themselves, and even then he'd have spanked their asses whenever he saw them doing something he didn't fancy - like making a golden calf or ,....not adhering to whatever ritual (e.g. males getting too close to a female during her menses, as prohibited in Leviticus) disallowed by the Hebrew moral coda.

But here's the kicker question as Ehrman asks it. IF the Jews were so obsessively monitored (ostensibly for protection and guidance) by this despot, why didn't he step forward and protect them when they needed it MOST? To quote Ehrman (op. cit.):

"Putting aside for the moment the 5 million non-Jews who were killed, how can we fathom the heartless extermination of six million Jews? The Jews were to be God's chosen people, elected by God to enjoy his special favor in exchange for their devotion to him. Were the Jews chosen for this??

Indeed, and this is a question the hardcore fundies need to address before they put their febrile pens to paper again, or blog another aspersion about atheists! WHY would God, this over-protective Hebrew Headmaster, be so protective of some 50,000 Jews vs. Pharaoh - but NOT at ALL against Hitler and the Nazis? Certainly not when the Jews needed him to effect rescue from the gas chambers! Was Hitler too big for God....errrr....Mr. Headmaster of the cosmos? Or was it that 6 million were too many to protect - and 50,000 were more within its capabilities (making more sense if it was a demigod or demiurgos, as Gnostics believed).

Inquiring minds want to know.

Until we do, the fundie who posted this gibberish can now understand why we treat his deity fables as the dreck they are, and he and his ilk as a clan of halfwits, dummies - 52 cards short of a full deck to boot.

1 comment:

  1. "But it's interesting that the chosen citation basis issues from Exodus - part of the Hebrew Old Testament - because this sheds light on the bestial nature of the deity this fruitcake embraces"

    Very spot on! Here's the thing, he says he wants to "save atheists before it's too late". But whenever he has the choice to invoke the NT God of Love (recall the two great commandments) or the vitriolic, wrathful despot of the OT he always picks the latter.

    This means he wants to intiimdate atheist and unbelievers more than anything else. He always tosses up his stupid Hell cartoons and inserts the people he doesn't like into them. Isn't this getting a little old by now?

    Can't he think or reason to justify his god? And will he ever indicate WHICH deity he believe in: the OT Hebrew tyrant or the NT God of Love.

    Seems to me he wants to embrace the hate and wrath of a tyrant god more than anything, and use this tyrant to try to bully all those who may not agree with him into his fold.

    He's pathetic! That's the only world that makes sense.
