Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Time to Kick Alan Simpson to the Curb!

Yes, you heard it right! It's time this vampire - who would suck the life out of Social Security - be sent back to pasture in Wyoming to spend the rest of his days, where he can't make trouble for the rest of us! Why all the kerfuffle?

To put it bluntly, Obama Deficit Commission co-chair Alan B. Simpson has just proven he’s an even bigger asshole than many of us heretofore believed. As I noted in earlier blogs, Simpson and his partner in crime, Ernest Bowles, have targeted Social Security and Medicare under the pretext of fixing the nation’s exploding deficits and "stabilizing Social Security". Never mind, Social Security hasn’t contributed one dime to the deficit and the only stabilizing it needs is raising the FICA limit to at least $250,000.

One of Bowles and Simpson's wonder “cure alls” is to raise the retirement age (at which full Social Security can be received) to 70, despite the fact that the newest demographic economic data shows that contrary to the myth that “all Americans are living longer”, elderly poor black women are seeing decreases in life expectancy. Bowles and Simpson’s solution would not only add 1.5 million seniors to the poverty rolls, but literally force millions more poor black seniors (mainly women- 45% of the men already dead by 66) to work until they literally drop dead.

Thus, these two clowns would literally chop off an essential lifeline for millions of Americans, especially poor female minority Americans. In this context, one elderly female sent an email to Simpson – the top asshole on the commission, complaining about his denigrating reference to “pink panthers”.

The email he wrote back is as follows:

“If you have some better suggestions about how to stabilize Social security, instead of just babbling into the vapors, let me know. And yes, I’ve made some plenty smart cracks about people on Social Security who milk it to the last degree. You know ‘em too. It’s the same with any System in America.

We’ve reached a point now where it’s like a milk cow with 310 million tits. Call us when you get honest work!”

Huh! Social Security is a “cow with 310 million tits”!

This was to the Executive Director of the National Older Women’s League, making a derogatory slang reference to women’s breasts. Rightfully, in the wake of this display, the AARP has called for President Obama to remove Simpson. Why on Earth Simpson was even there in the first place, boggles the mind. Why on Earth Obama even felt the need to set up a “commission” which has put a key Democratic program in its sights – while not even mentioning allowing all the Bush tax cuts to expire (which would free up $3.3 trillion to plug the deficit) is beyond me.

Socialist Senator Bernie Sanders has also called for the rapscallion’s resignation, along with the National Organization for Women, and National Older Women’s League. All of them already well aware of Simpson’s hostility to Social Security – though the maggot has tried to conceal it under the cover of “stabilizing it”.

But that dog won’t hunt, since he’s already on record as averring that those receiving Social Security benefits are “lesser people”. The full comment can be read at:

In a response to what Simpson and his commission were trying to do, the former Wyoming Senator blurted:

Look here, we’re trying to take care of the lesser people of society”

Lesser people?! Both my mother (now 88) and father (now deceased, and a WWII vet) are not “lesser people”! Both worked hard their whole lives, and my dad soldiered on even though he still suffered from bouts of the malaria he acquired in the jungles of New Guinea. He enlisted and fought 3 1/2 years for this damned country, sir, so don't you dare imply or think to suggest he was a "lesser person" because he needed Social Security in his later years! No, he wasn't born with a silver spoon in his mouth like you, nor was he the scion of a Wall Street Investment Banker, but he was by no means a "lesser person". Neither was my mom, who toiled for over twenty years in a humble parochial school system where her final pension was barely $400 a month, and so Social Security was a necessity. Now, she can live with dignity because of it.

What these remarks show is Simpson doesn’t respect Americans, doesn’t respect that Americans have earned the right to Social Security benefits, nor that they have worked hard to earn the fundamental basic means to survive in old age. Nor does he care that every one of our children is protected against loss of a parent. In Simpson’s world view, loss of parents means children would starve or find child labor – maybe making athletic shoes in some backwater abode. No wonder this guy is leading the charge to cut the program, though he denies it.

Overall, however, the inane comments of Simpson fit with the other silly comments coming out of this Pudwhacker Commission (including those of his sidekick Bowles) and many others like Peter G. Peterson – who in the name of “protecting our grandchildren” want to eviscerate benefits for our grandchildren.

As Eric Kingson (Professor of Social Work at Syracuse University) has put it:

they have it mixed up. What they really want to do is protect their grandchildren and those of Wall Street bankers”.

We agree with Kingson’s demand that Simpson be removed from this commission and also his other demand that Social Security be removed from the Commission’s spotlight and crosshairs.

Mr. Obama, step in and put an end to this travesty! Remove Simpson now if he will not willingly leave!

Act with courage!


  1. "Overall, however, the inane comments of Simpson fit with the other silly comments coming out of this Pudwhacker Commission (including those of his sidekick Bowles) and many others like Peter G. Peterson – who in the name of “protecting our grandchildren” want to eviscerate benefits for our grandchildren."

    Wow! A blistering comment and takedown of Simpson as well it should be. He truly exposed his true colors with that stupid, heartless e-mail, and now everyone knows what a pig he is.

    As for his comment on letting the older woman (to whom he directed his email) know when they get some work - wow! Saying this in the midst of a recession when 16 million are out of work and older Americans are the ones most often left out....well....he's an "asshole" as you said.

    Obama really messed up setting up this stupid commission in the first place when all he had to do is simply push to refuse to renew all the Bush tax cuts. This would immediately save $3.3 trillion in the next ten years as you wrote about in an earlier blog.

    Let's hope at least he kicks Alan Simpson to the curb as you have demanded.

  2. "Obama really messed up setting up this stupid commission in the first place when all he had to do is simply push to refuse to renew all the Bush tax cuts"

    Actually, I blame Obama before anyone else, because he not only set up the silly ass commission (prolly as a sop to 'bipartisanship') but he also appointed Simpson when he knew what the dickhead's stance on SS was.

    Obama has to share 99% of the blame if any SS cuts do go through. I can also promise if that happens, the Ds will never win another Senate, far less presidential position, again.

    They can kiss their asses goodbye. And Obama will show he's the worst D president in history.
