Thursday, July 29, 2010


One has to really wonder if the Fundies truly believe the whole populace is as stupid and bereft of basic reasoning skills as they are. The latest gambit is a YOU-Tube video entitled ‘The Reality Of Hell” which is being circulated amongst the Fundie-gelical blogs as yet another terrifying scare tactic to subdue unbelievers. The thing is little better than a 2 minute short cartoon and can be accessed here, for those who want a good laugh:

One thing one has to say for these peanut-brained miscreants, is they know how to parlay logical fallacies into a semi-coherent vehicle – at least to keep their own minions in line- and maybe the gullible who’ve never been exposed to critical thinking!

As we behold the video we see true facts flash onto the screen, mainly to do with the statistics for worldwide death rates:

- 6.5 billion people (actually it’s now more like 6.9 billion)
- 193 countries
- 56 million dead per year
- 53,000 per day
- 6390 every hour
- 107 die every minute

None of these statistics can be argued with or disputed but they are a DIFFERENT category (validated from collated actuarial statistics) from the claim that “HELL” exists! This is the crucial thing. What the manipulative fundies have done, is deliberately conflated the true death statistics of the planet with the spurious, supernatural baloney that Hell "really exists". Then, this garbage is passed off as the “Reality of Hell”. In fact, not. It is rather the reality of bullshit, or plain old religious horse pockey and total recycled rubbish, intended to sway weak or gullible minds. Rubbish based purely the "seeing is believing" fallacy. (Never mind it's basically a cartoon put together by nimrods with too much time on their hands).

Nowhere, at no point, is any separate evidentiary piece for the existence of “Hell” put forward that is apart from sound tracks of people screaming and the usual flame scenes (which could have been copied from any disaster or even configured on a software program).

However, the fundies are hoping that a person viewing this crap will be so utterly shocked by the parade of (true) death statistics that he’ll let his brain go on vacation and automatically insinuate a “reality of Hell” (from the fear centers of his amygdala) therby committing the error of transference of association: putting the fact of death (which is as certain as taxes) into a mental nexus with the fable of “Hell”. But the god-peddlers and their supersititious ilk have been using these sort of ruses since the Dark Ages.

To cement this BS, they invent a totally bogus (no evidence, period), dreamed up pseudo-stat: “one soul goes to Hell each second” (meaning 56% of all humans are damned!) and insert it after the statistical death facts. Thus, the viewer – if not careful- is lured into making a subliminal connection that hasn't one nanobyte of actual, factual basis. Indeed, the fundies are hoping in this way millions will be mentally manipulated.

But let’s leave all the cartoon tricks and conflation of real stats with fake ones aside: up to now none of these fundies have disproven the Hell-God=infinite paradox I noted earlier, showing that a "Hell" is incompatible with any infinite Being (putative "God"):

Until they can offer a cogent rebuttal to that paradox, all their useless ploys including: made up cartoons - complete with soundtrack screams & howls, and visual tricks (as well as cynically and dishonestly mixing actual facts with fraudulent, baseless claims) aren’t worth yesterday’s doggie lickspittle mixed with warmed over vomit. They could as well march off the stats of all the humans who’ve disappeared over the past 100 years and scare us with “Alien abductions” – though wait! They don’t believe in flesh and blood aliens despite there being ten septillion stars in the cosmos. They’d rather believe in invisible horned demons with pitch forks!

1 comment:

  1. The most degenerate ting about these perverts is they have to use fear of a natural process, death, to try to gain control of minds. This is absolutely and totally despicable! As if people don't have enough to fear!

    You are correct that they deliberately mix actual death statistics from actuaries worldwide with their fictitious statistics about "souls lost" in hell each and every second. (That number just made up on the fly, and probably while stoked up on ripple or some drug)

    The fundamentalists are really disgraceful. If they spent one hundredth of their time doing good, helping in missions in Congo and Sudan, or in homeless shelters here in this country as they do making up BS on Hell, the world would be a million times better.

    But then, these degenerates don't want to do anything positive, only promote fear, hate and the negative.

    I wish we could send them to the 2nd best place to "Hell": Mars!
