Wednesday, March 19, 2025

JFK Files Released - But Don't Look For Any 'Smoking Guns' - Or Hot Ones

                    JFK minutes before being assassinated on Nov. 22, 1963

 After the release of the much trumpeted remaining JFK files last night there will likely be more disappointed truth seekers than not. The newest batch of records can be found on the agency’s webpage under the headline, “JFK Assassination Records - 2025 Documents Release.” The page features a table listing more than 1,100 entries of hyperlinked PDF files.  The problem? Many if not most of the pages are difficult to read and filled with a litany of names and pseudonyms whose significance is not yet known—and may never be. For the average member of the public trying to piece together the names or even to compare the new unredacted records to their partially or fully redacted prior versions will be like trying to play 3D chess.

The basis for the confusion is simple: Most of the public has barely done any assassination research and certainly not in the realm of deep politics, conspiracy. Hence, they will be lost "at sea" trying to make sense of what was released.

But from what I've seen - including of the 6 million pages already released - the 'wild goose hunt' and whitewash of the Warren Commission Report has been confirmed. In the words of House Select Committee on Assassinations (HSCA)  Chief Counsel Robert Blakey:

"The purpose of the Warren Commission wasn't to find out what really happened but to assure Americans what didn't happen."  

Still missing as far as I can see:

- All of Oswald's CIA files (OS-351-164 (office of security), the 201-289248 CI/SIG, and the 74-500) and what was done with them, e.g. by the guy who framed him: CIA Mexico City Station chief David Atlee Phillips:

-The elements of the Staff D program run by NSA contact William Harvey. As pointed out by researcher Peter Dale Scott in Deep Politics Quarterly, January, 1994:

In 1961, when William Harvey headed Staff D, he was assigned the task of developing the CIA Assassinations Project, ZR/Rifle.

When ZR Rifle was altered from targeting Castro to targeting JFK, it was all over except for the triangulation of gunfire that took Kennedy out in Dallas.  The closest we likely got to who the actual shooters (mechanics) were occurred during the (1975) Church Committee hearings.  Former CIA Director Richard Helms spoke at length about ZR Rifle in one session. When pressed, he identified two generic (i.e. for any purpose) hit team members by their code names: WI/ROGUE and QJ/WIN.  Helms described the former as   "a stateless soldier of fortune and a criminal(Church Committee Report, pp. 43-44) .

 Helms summarized the latter statement in these terse terms:

"If you need somebody to carry out murder I guess you had a man who might be prepared to carry it out.”

- The names of the 2 CIA hit men WI/ROGUE and QJ/WIN.  Richard Helms disclosed the code monickers in the Church Committee Hearings, but we need to know: 1) WHO were these guys?  And (2):  Were they in Dallas that day as part of an assassination K Group team?   Which existence has already been exposed, e.g.

Wherein we read:

"The idea of forming assassination teams ('K' groups) apparently originated with Castillo Arenas in 1952.  Adopting Castillo Arenas' concept the [  ] chief routinely included two assassination specialists in his training plans.  CIA training for sabotage teams in early 1954 also included creating a 'K' group trained to perform assassinations."

- The number of "assassination teams" that were active at the time of JFK's murder?  

- How many were under control of Staff D, William Harvey's program with NSA connections, and how many were connected to David Atlee Phillips and his operations? 

What about ''who dunnit"?  We can't say but we DO know who didn't.

We already know it was NOT Lee Oswald - given he could not have made the kill (fatal head) shot.  That shot came from the grassy knoll with the shot direction already identified from the acoustics in the HSCA investigation of 1978-79 and captured Z-frame 314:

This was traced to the right front temple wound in JFK's skull, as revealed by Robert Groden in his superb book, The Killing of a President. (On page 178 is shown the complete path of the bullet from the right front of Kennedy’s forehead to the rear of his head.)

Let us recall here that Oswald was alleged to be shooting from the Texas School Book Depository which was behind the limo, so no shots from there could have delivered the right frontal head shot. In addition we have the Z-film frame after 314 showing Jackie clearly moving backwards over the limo trunk, she said (in secret WC testimony) to try to retrieve a piece of the skull)

Jackie's motion alone proves the shot was not from the TSBD.

One other claim serious people need to jettison is the trope that Oswald visited Mexico City shortly before the killing. Also, that he met with Cuban and Russian spies and even spoke openly about killing Kennedy with employees of the Cuban embassy there.  All of this is a pack of ripe merde, likely planted and ok'd by CIA spook David Atlee Phillips to frame Lee. 

As I have repeatedly pointed out, the Mexico City nonsense is total disinformation (and distraction) based on an inaccurately reported image of Oswald.  This was first reported in Military Science Professor John Newman's book, Oswald and the CIA.  Therein showing the actual Oswald (as a prisoner in Dallas) compared to the impostor Oswald in Mexico City. e.g. 

Hence, all the Mexico City tropes amount to pure distraction. No serious researcher accepts them.  They are all irrelevant to the facts already known, disclosed, i.e. from earlier file releases in the 1990s. And we know Oswald not only had no part in it but was himself assassinated within two days of Kennedy's assassination, eg.

likely to prevent him from revealing his role (as a decoy) in Bill Harvey's Staff D operation. 

For the most authentic depiction of how the assassination likely went down, check out the relevant sequence from the film 'Executive Action' (1973):

In the meantime it will be interesting to see if any serious conclusions are forthcoming from the tens of thousands of files that came over the transom last night. And also how many Warren Commission fairy tale believers remain. 

Among the latter one can count the U.S. media which remains doggedly in the Warrenite camp - such as on Laura Coates (CNN) analysis tonight when Laura barked to her guests: "Up to now we've seen no evidence other than that pointing to Lee Harvey Oswald as the sole assassin."  Which is total bull pockey as this blog post clearly shows.  What is it with the media that they can't break through the brain-less barrier, even to get to the only actual serious investigation, the HSCA?  (Which found for 96% probability of conspiracy based on acoustic analysis).  My guess is they are all caught in the trap of the "Middle Mind", e.g.

Author Curtis White's view is that the 'Middle Mind' is a safe mental space where all the old verities are true and right -thinking citizens don't question them too closely or trespass intellectually into areas that mark "forbidden zones".  Such as LBJ having helped plan the JFK assassination (to avoid prosecution in the Bobby Baker scandal) or that UFOs are actually alien craft.  

The U.S. media, by and large sustains middle mind tropes - as Laura Coates did tonight - in pronouncing no evidence exists that contradicts the WC finding of Lee Oswald as sole JFK assassin.  Clearly, these middle mind tropes, repeated often enough, can then be used to manipulate citizens' consciousness.

But in the case of the JFK assassination, one really doesn't need to bury one's nose in the newly released files.  The evidence Oswald had nothing to do with it has been sitting out in the open for decades. It has been out there for the asking, for those who seek truth rather than fantasy, and who are not hostage to the "middle mind."  

One of the early glaring (and shocking) findings revealed in the newly released files ought to shake the middle minds out of their stupor.  This was noted in the Washington Post. In an early review of previously redacted material, the WaPo researchers discovered key members of the HSCA investigation had their Social Security numbers exposed. 

In addition, more than 100 members of the Senate Church Committee - the one that grilled former CIA Director Richard Helms (who identified two CIA hit men by their code names: WI/ROGUE and QJ/Win)- had their Social Security numbers, birth dates and birth places revealed. Why would this have been done and by whom? Clearly, the CIA orchestrated it to instill fear into the respective committees' members, lest they "go too far" in their respective inquires. This is not Mensa level stuff. 

 One hopes the larger media will put two plus two together and finally get out of its Warren Commission mind rut. But as I wrote in one of my 50th anniversary posts, that would take boldness which most of the media lacks.

Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Why The Green Energy Revolution Will Be Unstoppable - Even By Trump


The obsession of Dotard Trump with getting rid of "green" (or rather, clean) energy sources is an effort doomed to fail.   At least that is the take of Prof. Eric Beinhocker of the University of Oxford, writing in the WSJ ('The Clean Energy Revolution is Unstoppable', p. C4, Mar. 8-9). Dotard's ceaseless and mindless yapping may have some believing otherwise, but Prof. Beinhocker's arguments look iron clad to me.

For example, he notes that the free market alone has never been responsible for major technological transitions, from railroads to automobiles to the internet. Not to mention the development of nuclear power plants. In each case major government input was required for the technologies to reach scale.

He then cites as a most recent example:

"In 2021-22 Congress passed the bipartisan CHIPS Act and Infrastructure Act, plus the Biden administration's Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) all of which provided funding to accelerate the development of America's clean energy industry."

Of course, Dotard Donnie - more invested in spraying paper with his black, skunk- paw signature on bogus executive actions- has pledged to end such support.  This Traitor Turd would rather see the planet burn up acre by acre and to that end has already halted $50 b in already approved clean energy disbursements.  Also, the orange stain has put $280 billion in loan requests under review.  But as Beinhocker notes it may be too late, writing:

"The legality of halting a congressionally mandated program will be challenged in court, but in any case the IRA 'horse' is already well out of the barn.  About $61 billion of direct IRA funding has already been spent.  And IRA tax credits have already attracted $215 billion in new clean energy investment - and could be worth $350 billion over the next three years."

Not too shabby, this positive energy home run hit by Biden, even while the GOOPs tried to tear it down by yapping about a "source of inflation."

The Oxford Prof goes on to point out any Dotard attempt to end the tax credits would not be easy- say like scribbling another signature on a lawless executive order. He writes:

"Ending the tax credits would be politically difficult since the top 10 states for clean energy jobs include: Texas, Florida, Michigan, Ohio, North Carolina and Pennsylvania - all critical states for Republicans. Trump may well find himself fighting Republican governors and members of Congress to make those cuts."

Beinhocker suspects it more likely Dotard will undertake less arduous actions, like ending consumer subsidies for electric vehicles (which may well rub Musk the wrong way) and refusing to issue permits for offshore wind projects.  But as the Prof notes: "The impact of these changes would be mainly to harm U.S. competitiveness."

Finally, he notes:

"Meanwhile, Trump's promises of a fossil fuel renaissance ring hollow.  This is given U.S. oil an gas production is already at record levels - and with softening global prices, producers and investors are increasingly cautious about committing more capital to expand U.S. production."

Something I already pointed to in an earlier post, e.g.

Beinhocker then delivers the coup-de grace for his majesty, King Bonespurs:

"The energy transition is a one way ticket. As the asset base shifts to clean energy, given falling costs (see graph), large segments of fossil fuel demand will permanently disappear. Very few consumers who buy an electric vehicle will go back to fossil fuel cars. Once utilities build cheap renewables and storage they won't go back to expensive coal plants."

And finally:

"For U.S. policymakers, supporting clean energy isn't about climate change. It is about maintaining American economic leadership."

Does Donnie Dotard really want to sacrifice that economic leadership?  Well, from his knuckle-dead tariff moves against our own trading partners, it looks more and more like he does. I mean, most of the sane segment of the nation is already preparing for a Trump-cession - the biggest recession of all time perhaps.

See Also:

by Robert Becker | March 17, 2025 - 10:32am | permalink

“Nations across Asia will come to the same conclusion the Europeans have already reached: America is a Judas.”

I reckon so far MAGA Trump is 0 for 10 on the “average Joe ratio” of rewards gained vs. devastation exacted. The shortest presidential “honeymoon” since Lincoln faced the Ft. Sumter attack is morphing into the horror show from hell, slashing and burning, oblivious to human suffering and legal consequences. In sum, high pain, no gain, no viable plan, no coherent blueprint, no miracle finish.

What blunderer cuts “fraud and waste” with a bunker-busting bomb blindly, maliciously dropped from a great height? The real and fabricated “Trump Slump” that batters America not only incites enormous domestic defiance but boosts foreign nations across the globe, friend and foe alike– all classic, unintended consequences of stupidity.

» article continues...

Monday, March 17, 2025

Solutions to Linear Algebra & Geometry Problems

 1) Solution: We obtain the spanning vectors here by taking differences. 

So, let: A = (1, 1), B = (2, -1) and C = (4, 6). Then:

B - A = [(2 - 1), (-1 -1)] = (1, -2)

C - B = [(4 - 2), (6 - (-1)] = (2, 7)

Then: the matrix is:

M =


So Det (M)  
= (1 x 7) - [(-2) x 2]

= 7 - (-4) = 7 + 4 = 11 sq. units.

2) We may write the applicable determinant for the parallelopiped as a  3 x 3 matrix:

(v1....v2...... v3

And we saw that the solution was:

Det M = u1[v2 w3 - v3 w2] - u2 [v1 w3 - v3 w1]

+ u3 [v1 w2 - v2 w1]

Now we will apply this to the case of finding the volume of the parallelopiped shown which has 3 sides spanned by the vectors, u, v and w:


u = (1, 1, 3)

v = (1, 2, -1)

w = (1, 4, 1)

We let the volume be Vol(u, v, w) and:

Vol (u, v, w) = Det [u, v, w]

So that:

(v1....v2.....  v3
(w1....w2....w3) =


And Det [u, v, w] =


[2 -(-4) - (1 - (-1)) + 3(4 - 2)] = 6 - (2) + 3(2)

Vol (u, v. w) = 12 - 2 = 10 cubic units

Writer Beware: What I Wish I'd Known Before Losing Thousands From Novel Publishing Scams

 Blogger Victoria Strauss (Writer Beware - Writer Beware ) has been a veritable, go-to human resource for avoiding the pitfalls of writing -publishing scams.  Alas, I found her blog archives a bit too late and had already been taken in by the literary scam come-ons.  Strauss, in one of her entries describes why so many writers - struggling for recognition - get taken to the cleaners. As she puts it:

"Building a writing career can include a lot of difficult, disappointing, and bruising experiences. Rejection, low sales, the struggle for access and exposure…these things take a toll. That’s something scammers can exploit, no matter how smart you are, and no matter how well read."

Indeed.  And so I was ripe for the picking when I received an email back in October praising a novel I'd written under a pseudonym back in 2005. The email included an image of the contact person holding a copy of my novel with cover shown, and expressing exuberance about its potential:

I was informed - despite selling bupkis up until then -  of then "tens of thousands of copies" that could be sold with the right promotion and also a compelling review- which he included, i.e.

The Messiah Paradigm: (Kendra's Karma) is an intense and captivating sci-fi epic that merges philosophical questions of sacrifice, belief systems, and human endurance with intergalactic adventure. The premise alone—a young girl from Earth plucked from her life and thrust into the shoes of a reluctant Messiah on a distant, hostile planet—immediately piqued my interest.

The novel does an incredible job of weaving complex themes into its narrative. Kendra Cayley’s evolution from a naive schoolgirl to a Messiah grappling with existential questions about sin, sacrifice, and human divisiveness is one of the highlights. As a reader, you’re constantly rooting for her, even when the odds seem impossibly stacked against her. Her journey through the alien guilds, each representing different facets of human history and belief, offers a fascinating exploration of how power, faith, and survival intertwine across time and space.

The concept of the Messiah Paradigm—twelve hundred Saviors spanning 13 million years, each destined for painful martyrdom—injects a heavy dose of philosophical depth into the story. The way the author explores the price of salvation and the futility of forced redemption is both thought-provoking and emotionally challenging. It's clear the book isn't just about Kendra's journey—it's a reflection on collective guilt, and the consequences of failing to learn from our past.

Well, after that and a phone call explaining in excited terms the prospects, including showing the revised book at book fairs, I was basically all in. It would also help, he noted, if the book was re-released under a different ISBN with new cover and more distribution potential, say to bookstores like Barnes and Noble.  He didn't have to say more and within a few days I had coughed up just over a grand to get the licensing and ISBN changed - and then approved for re-editing for the new book - which did indeed subsequently appear at B&N, e.g.

The Messiah Paradigm: Kendra's Karma by Daeron Shane, Paperback | Barnes & Noble®

As well as other bookstores, and Amazon,

The Messiah Paradigm: Kendra's Karma: Shane, Daeron: 9798895184646: Books

Excitement built up as I eagerly anticipated the $$$ rolling in. After all, the company (WP Lighthouse) was also promoting it at book fairs and digital gaming venues -since a digital game - "The Messiah Game" - was introduced in Ch. 1.  As well as with posters in assorted book stores and maybe even radio shows. But up to now not a dime has materialized nor any 1099s showing any earnings, period. It was only much later, following my trip to Boulder for the Solar Dynamics Observatory Workshop, that I came across another blog by Ms. Strauss about literary scams:

 In which one saw listed as bullet points:

·       Re-publishing or “re-branding” of your already-published book (often at relatively reasonable prices, or offered for “free” with the purchase of something else, such as a PR campaign–the aim being to hook you so you can be pressured to buy more expensive services or targeted for more serious fraud);

·       junk marketing (marketing that’s cheap to provide, sold at a huge markup, and ineffective for book promotion, such as press releases, email campaigns, book fair booth display, “cinematic trailers”, paid radio and TV interviews, pay to play book reviews, and more);

·       Screenplay writing and treatment and pitch deck creation, supposedly to get you a movie deal;

·       bookstore distribution…but you have to pay upfront for the books or for shipping them;

·       “endorsement” or “representation” to Hollywood;

And the first bullet point hit me right between the eyes, because it's exactly what was done by WP Lighthouse. But say one thing, say the next: they DID deliver on the re-released, re-edited book, complete with new cover - front and back. And got it into traditional bookstores. Even Janice was impressed with the level of professionalism compared with the original.

Sadly, I found this Strauss' blog entry - and the next 4 bullet point examples - only after I'd signed on to another 'deal' to promote my latest sci-fi novel, The Oswald Option - already self-published, e.g.

The Oswald Option: A Parallel Universe Novel: Stahl, Philip: 9781312522312: Books

But it needed a marketing boost and probably the right pitch deck, book proposal and query letters to be sent to get the attention of traditional publishers. This was promised by another person (Chloe Taylor) representing the publishing- promotion company called WorldWide Pages, e.g.

World Wide Pages | Publishing

I was excited by her spiel, the potential of a screenplay, possible movie, email campaigns, the whole nine yards- and bit hook, line and sinker. To the tune of $2700. To be fair, they delivered a superb book proposal, as well as a professional query letter, e.g.:




[Publisher/Agent’s Name]

[Publisher/Agency Name]


[City, State, Zip Code]


Dear [Publisher’s Name], 

 I am seeking representation for my book “The Oswald option: a parallel universes novel”. It explores a reimagined Lee Harvey Oswald as a quantum physicist whose invention allows him to observe alternate realities, unraveling the implications of a universe where key historical events, like the JFK assassination, unfold differently, blending science fiction, historical intrigue, and ethical dilemmas.

 The book is a 64,726 –word science fiction, thriller and historical fiction aimed at science fiction enthusiasts, philosophical fiction readers, historical fiction fans, fans of cross genre blends, fans of thrillers and conspiracy novels with potential appeal to adults as well. It is intellectually provocative and suspenseful, combining the gravitas of historical events with the speculative intrigue of alternate realities and the ethical complexities of manipulating time​. 

I have included a brief synopsis[ and the first three chapters as requested. I believe this story would be a good fit for your list as it offers a fresh and intellectually stimulating narrative  that blends historical fiction with speculative science, exploring quantum mechanics and alternative realities through the lens of the JFK assassination. 


However, my understanding from the outset was that Ms. Taylor would be sending the query to designated publishers, not me. As I informed her, I had no idea which publishers would be the most amenable to receiving the work.  That was what I was paying beaucoup dollars to her company for.  Up to now, no reply has been received and I can only conclude I've been "ghosted" by Chloe and her company. A hard lesson learned, but it was probably on the wall when my last communication - a month ago - noted my lack of energy, inclination to complete a screenplay version of the book.  I suspect she was expecting a screenplay of the novel with the expectation of  “endorsement” or “representation” in Hollywood- and a movie deal. Which she believed would be easier than pitching the novel.  Hasta la vista, chump, and thanks for the moola!

Still, I don't feel like the 'long ranger' because evidently there are tens of thousands of would-be novel writers scammed every day. As Ms Strauss also wrote, explaining in another entry why so many writers are scammed:

"Because (again in my opinion) there are so many writers.

Other creative pursuits have boundaries and requirements that create bars to entry. Musicians need training, not to mention instruments. Actors and singers may have limited venues in which to practice their craft: there isn’t a casting call around every corner. Painters and sculptors need often-costly materials. Models must conform to various standards of physical appearance–much broader these days than in the past, but still restrictive.

But writing: writing is just words. Everyone has those. If you can speak, you can write, and all you need to follow your impulse is an idea and a computer, or pen and paper if you prefer.

Whether you should or not is a different question. But the accessibility of writing, along with the universal human desire for self-expression, inspires vast numbers of people to create a story or a poem or a book. And what good is a story or a poem or a book without readers?"

This more than anything explained the basis for the proliferation of publishing scams. But still, didn't address why breaking in was so damned difficult, especially for the sort of sci-fi I'd written. The answer to that only came some time later when I read a piece in the NY Times dealing with the loss-absence of male fiction authors:

The Disappearance of Literary Men Should Worry Everyone

"Over the past two decades, literary fiction has become a largely female pursuit. Novels are increasingly written by women and read by women. In 2004, about half the authors on the New York Times fiction best-seller list were women and about half men; this year, the list looks to be more than three-quarters women. According to multiple reports, women readers now account for about 80 percent of fiction sales.'

For me, this put the capper on why I wasn't getting anywhere with the fiction writing and why no amount of  'promotions' or 'marketing' in any guise was likely to help. Basically, with the preponderance of female readers, my books were in literary "limbo" - way too "intense" be read.  Not enough flowery lingo or "romance". 

I decided it to put it to the test and asked Janice  if she'd be interested in reading either of my novels - The Messiah Paradigm (even in revised form) or The Oswald Option. Her answer: "No, they're both too violent for my tastes!  A crucified girl savior? No way!"

There you have it. (Male) writers beware!

See Also:

Would Any Of My Atheist Books Be Banned In The Current Culture War Spree? Yes - Every Last One!

Friday, March 14, 2025

Calculus of Residues Problem Solution:

  The Problem: Integrate:

  ò C (z + 1)   dz / (2z +  i)


A simple (m=1) pole occurs at z = -i/2


Res (f(z)) =  (z – a)   f(z)  =

lim z
® -i/ 2    (2z +  i)   [(z + 1)  / (2z +  i)]

  Res (f(z)) =   (z + 1)/ 2] z = -i/ 2  =   (-i/2 + 1)/ 2 =   ½  -   i/4

If f(z) has the form p(z)/ q(z) and a first order pole exists at z = z o, then Res f(z)  at z =lim z ® z o    p(z) / q'(z)  where q'(z) is the first derivative.   

Then: ò C  (z + 1)   dz / (2z +  i)  =  2 pi   (sum of residues)

=  2 pi     -   i/4)  =   pi -   (pi)2/ 2 =    pi   + p/ 2